life is full of sighs when happiness aint present

Mar 13, 2006 19:36

i feel like this week is so bipolar compared to the last couple of days!

today was the ultimate shitty day for me. I felt like basically everyone (teachers) hated me... pretty much for no reason too. God i fuckin hate my math teacher so fucking much. I have no idea what that fucking woman cares about, its like her kindness is hidden deep in a steel unbreakable case.
before i get into all this with Mrs. fucking Greenhouse (what type of name is fucking Greenhouse?!!) ill talk about some other mishaps.

1. Mr. Hooker

yep thats the guys actual last name lmao.
Heres what happened with him today. I had jazz band at 7:15 like i do every mon. and fri. well acutally lets start from the verrrrrrry begining of today... i didn't fall asleep till about 3 or so in the morning. Already i am cranky by 6:30 bcause i had a lousy 3 and a half hours of sleep. So at jazz band i am half asleep and i remain that way throughout the whole day. haha. I tryed to control my anger with him and amazingly my act payed off. He is sexist. And I think that he blames me when other people do things wrong when meanwhile i am the good one. So i went to him and asked him why he kept saying my name and than telling the whole band that i and some others needed to be in rythym together. This was his response "oh yeah you are definitely right with what you are playing" if this is so, than why must he say embarass me infront of the WHOLE band by pointing out that me and others aren't in time with eachother.


im so stressed right now.

anyhow fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck Mrs. Greenhouse.
the bitch made me tear, and this wasn't the first time. I happen to be getting kinda sensative lately, ESPECIALLY towards her. I donno i would stand up to her in a heartbeat and mouth her off, i am def. not afraid to do that, but the part of me that controls my actions more couldn't bare what her response might be... detention, being sent to the guidance councelor, failing her class. The list goes on.

ON a possitive note,
it is wayyyyy cool, i am making a cd with my awsome singing group the preforming artists. It isn't an actual cd that we're selling to a record company or anything obviously, but it is a real cd. I am actually gonna play sax on one of the songs thats on the cd "Brighter Day".

i love to sing, its like a therapy heeling my emotional wounds.

ahh i feel so inspired to write poetry right now!
too bad, I have to do 2 papers, and study.

god, school IS the ANTICHRIST!!

tootles, lol
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