And That's That.

Sep 30, 2005 20:25

Friday. No more pink shirt. Yay! Might burn the blasted thing.

We have a new Dean of Students. Don't ask me what that is.

You're also looking at the new TA for Coach Ash's Art class. Have a bad feeling about it? Me too.

Got some subjects lined up to test Crane's stuff, to make sure our little Homecoming surprise goes as planned. Frankly, it'll be a pleasure watching the test, I swear I have never met such a repellent individual as Jay, which considering some of the people I know, is saying a lot. If he were the last human being alive, I'd go bang Angelus, that's how much being near him made my skin crawl.

Ran into some new arrivals, while I was in town, I get the feeling that this is gonna be interesting.

Apparently Kawalsky wants to set me up with the pirate for Homecoming, there could be worse dates I suppose.

homecoming, pink

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