Sep 28, 2005 16:14


Oh, there will be a reckoning for this...

You two are so, so dead.


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valentine_tart September 29 2005, 17:57:32 UTC
Sawyer, I knew he was trouble. He's not even worth the dentention knocking some sense into him would get me.

As for Angelus, he's too caught up in his own mystique to realise that there are forces even he shouldn't fuck with. I get the feeling that if he pushes Illyana too hard he won't be around long enough to regret it.

No kidding. Except, he hurt 'yana. That's way high on my list of 'that'll get you deads'.

*looks at her calmly* I suspect that's true of any of the three of us. Even that strange boy Anakin thinks I'm more dangerous than the mages and power-users.


psycho_barbie September 30 2005, 10:14:18 UTC
He's going to come to a bad enough end already, without you hurrying him along. Besides, wreaking havoc on another member of the student body isn't going to look good for your campaign.

Well he's right, you are. Maybe not in terms of "snap your fingers and people die" or sheer destructive power, but when it comes down to it, people like us, from the kind of places we're from? We've got the greatest potential for harm of them all.

Y'know, why? Because for us, learning to use this, *taps forehead* is the only way we manage to survive long enough to be a physical threat to anybody. Case in point, where I come from gods walk the earth, there are monsters of every shape and description, and well, it's generally a pretty frakked up place. But the one, the hands down single most dangerous being I've ever encountered?

Mortal woman, just like you and me.

[ooc: Whoops. Just noticed this reply. *guilty look*]


valentine_tart September 30 2005, 23:25:15 UTC
I'm not going to hurt Angelus. I'm having too much fun fucking him. *grin* Besides, he's smart and useful and nowhere near as creepy as that Crane guy. What do you see in him?

*facepalm* Speaking of whom. I really need to get started on campaign posters now.

Anyhow, yes, mortal woman, fury raised. Never offend a woman's sense of honor or justice, and never hurt those she loves. My world is as frakked-up as yours. Seems like 'yana's might be too from what she's said. And none of the three of us lily-white.

We understand that evil is a relative term. Others could benefit from that lesson.

[OOC: NP. I never mind slow-play as long as we can remember what day we're in. *g*]


psycho_barbie October 1 2005, 01:36:43 UTC
I was actually referring to Sawyer, but works for Fangy just as well.

Crane? You think I'm planning on sleeping with Crane. *snorts* We have a couple of shared interests, but that's as far as it goes.

Unfortunately, the best way to learn that lesson isn't exactly something I want to inflict on other people.


valentine_tart October 1 2005, 16:09:27 UTC
Sawyer isn't worth the energy to think about killing. Though Illyana and I are working on a campaign to make sure he never has sex in this town again. After elections. Want in? *grins*

Crane is a charming little psychopath. He hit on me yesterday right after he got through telling me that it was dirty pool to use sex to try to win the election. *rolls eyes*

I hear you. Working on ways to teach the lesson without pain involved.


psycho_barbie October 1 2005, 16:20:41 UTC
*spreads hands wide* Beka, do you even have to ask?

I'm sure that Crane'll pose no real threat to your campaign. Especially if we get made at Homecoming, and I spin things the right way to the authorities.


valentine_tart October 1 2005, 16:55:52 UTC
*laughs* There are reasons I love your stubborn, hostile ass.

On a personal level, I don't care. I don't think he'd be safe for the school. He creeps me out way worse than Angelus. At least Angelus doesn't pretend to be a good guy. If I could read subtext, I would kick your ass. Don't get hurt.


psycho_barbie October 1 2005, 17:31:07 UTC
You mean apart from my natural charm and razor wit?

I think it's less that he pretends and more that he's quiet. You just skip over him while Angelus draws your attention with his puppy-kicking. So quiet you don't realise he's put a knife in your back until he pulls it back out again. If you could read subtext, I'd be telling you not to take your eyes off Crane at Homecoming.


valentine_tart October 2 2005, 01:16:40 UTC
That's probably part of it, yeah. *grins*

I notice. I notice that he's creepy and ghoulish and he looks at you like you're a science experiment. Oh. Even without subtext I don't plan to let him anywhere near me or my people.


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