Sep 11, 2005 10:03 today is september 11th...time for america to go all crazy again. it is hard to believe it has been five years tho. i think i remember where i was....i think i was in 8th grade science and the i went into history and the tv was on.crazy but if you ask me new orleans is way more disasterous than "nine-eleven" what eva.
george "W" is retarted. i love watching him on CNN because it is funny to watch some one crash and burn on live television in front of the whole country. "New orleans is by far the biggest disaster the united states has has to deal with..and uh...we have...uh..rescue forces down there evacuating familys and their people" when i stoped to say "uh" in speech class back in 5th grade they took one of my gold stars away.
I have been an cold bitch to jason and i feel horrible about it. I apologised about 20 times yesterday and I am pretty sure he forgave me. we went to the garage for a minute and then watched Requiem for a Dream. it was INTENSE. I was tripping out and at the end i definatly cried. but not thoes sappy tears. The ones that come when you feel pain for man kind. I felt alost moved by it.
I think i am going to go back to sleep now because my mom has turned the tv down from ear splitting to mute. awsome
JeSsIcA bRiAnNe WyTiAsIa BeLlEw