Jul 19, 2006 13:49

Wow...I feel gross.
........this must be how emo kids feel all the time..xD 
"Why?", you ask...
....I joined a couple of days ago....

and out of boredom, curiostiy and/or an interest in the process of human recognition, I responded to a thread found in the Jrock/Jpop cosplay forums called the...
"'Which J-rocker I look like' Thread" 
I posted several pictures of myself,...long hair and short hair...blahblah...
Horror of horrors.... ..who is the first person they say I should cosplay??

..................."illuminati Gackt".....

-.-  dammitIHATEgackt.....I am the anti-gackt. 
I think I'm going to have to excuse myself as I'm feeling pretty sick..... 
Irony is such an interesting thing......sick as it makes me, I can quite appreciate the irony here....xDxD.....because that is pretty damn funny.  So, I welcome my friends to laugh at it with me.
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