Jan 12, 2006 16:04
Well I have finished my first week of classes and I'm liking them so far. on Monday I have Health, Alegbra, and Psych.
On Tuesday I went with 9 other students to the Capital (of GA) . There we met Cathy Cox and I saw the bald head of Sonny Perdue (haha) He was late so we did not got to see the House at work and only a few minutes of the Senate, b/c they only work for like an hour the first week (your tax dollars at work people). Then we had a lunch discussion and my table discussed Faith-based organizations in the govt. That was an Interesting conversation. Then we had a panel discussion and then met with our legislators and then we went home... yea well fun fun.
Wed. Health, Alegbra, Psych, and CPR. Long day
Thursday: French (Love it)
And now I have a four day weekend Yay!!