Psych Marathon Posted by
boheme06 Meta
Shawn reminds me of By
sparrowlove Why do you like Psych? By
meli_64 Challenges/ficathons
wtf27 A writing challange based on 27 propmts that make you say WTF????????
psych_30 (no, not that kind of Psych) A writing challenge based on 30 psychological prompts
philosophy_20 A writing challenge based on 20 philosophical prompts
psych_flashfic Episode Reviews
Weekend Warriors By
lunarwolfik Misc
Theme song lyrics By
xperfectlysane Fanfic
Chemicals React - Part 1/? By
snowy_fenix Gus/Shawn, PG 13
Chemicals React - Part 2/? By
snowy_fenix Gus/Shawn, PG 13
Mexico blue By
papersoflight Gus/Shawn, NC-17
Shawn gets his wish By
quiet_tiger Gus/shawn, NC-17
Quiet is overrated By
papersoflight Gus, Shawn, PG
Mending By
papersoflight Henry, PG
At his word By
papersoflight Henry, Karen Vick, Shawn, PG
Fanart (icons, manips, wallpapers, etc.)
Psych themed user infos By