Stupidity and things I like

Apr 18, 2012 23:17

Let's get the stupid over with first. :>

This is just one more thing to give me faith in reality TV. Someone is probably going to be excited about the news. Do people really not realize how terrible and air-headed this woman is? Someone had better tell her that politics isn't a Miss America pageant. :P

image Click to view

The Young Turks is awesome, by the way. Been watching their channel every day.

Speaking of crazy stuff, I keep letting myself get pulled into threads in the SPPf Debate forum. It is not good in there. I'm just going to generalize, and I'm not talking about any specific members, but a lot of the people who wander into those debates just don't know what they're talking about. The fact that a huge percentage of them are entitled teenage boys who can't see their own privilege only contributes to it in many cases, such as one thread about a guy whining because a mother called him a creep when her child started playing basketball with him. The mother was wrong to name-call, but the thread devolved into "everyone picks on boys." But some of the things said in the abortion and homosexuality are absolutely stunning.

Moving offline for a minute, my old high school is all messed-up now. They brought it a new principal who's doing weird things with the school, a whole bunch of great teachers got fired, and they're being very secretive about what the hell is going on. Parents, alumni, staff, ex-staff, everyone is in an uproar, and crazy rumours are flying around about cutting all kinds of things. I went to a "strategic planning" workshop for alumni this evening - the school hired a team from British Columbia to essentially find the school's strengths, weaknesses, threats and obstacles, and the team will then report back the findings and hopefully the board will do stuff about it. From what I've seen from my meeting, and the meetings my parents and sister and friends have been to, there are a lot of problems, including the school not actually putting any effort into informing us about said meetings. 13 people showed up - about 35 showed up for the "young alumni" meeting (people who graduated in the last 5 years), and most were school play alumni worried about the play getting cut. Glad I didn't go to that one, at least, because it sounded pretty crazy. :S Anyhow, I really hope things improve.

On another note, it's getting crazy expensive to ship stuff in Canada! I just mailed off a single small Mr. Mime finger-puppet to the US and it was $7, and that's not even with the cost of the envelope or bubble-wrap. And Canada Post wonders why it's dying!

Moving back online and to the "things I like" segment of this entry!

Have I mentioned how terrific is yet? It's full of images linking to DIY activities and recipes and photography and funny things that you can save, or "pin", and save to your own folders, or "boards." Here are my boards, follow me if you're on it! I am also now obsessed with things from, so you can expect to see a lot of things that glow or are just generally nerdy.

I made a random Twitter account to join it, and all I use it for is to follow just a couple people. One is a comedian, Bo Burnham, who is hilarious and who I really want to see perform live. This song about artists has been the bane of my existence for weeks at a time. Last night, I found out an hour too late from my Twitter feed that he was on Conan O'Brian, who I have also recently started to love. I hate that I missed that!

I also follow Arjun Basu, who writes "Twitterature," short stories written in exactly 140 characters. For example:
  • He wants to love her but she's like an icy road in a darkened landscape and she says, I have winter tires, and he decides to take a chance.
  • He came home and saw suitcases in the front hall, and she said, I'm just rearranging things, and he had to admit to a little disappointment.
  • He tells her he likes obscure things, that he dedicates himself to the unknown and tiny. And she laughs at him and says, You got that right.
  • Then she saw him at the end of the aisle and made her way toward him. Except she was carrying toilet paper. They're on special, she offered.

The last person I follow, on Twitter, Youtube and even Tumblr, is Laci Green, a gal all about sexual education and empowerment, and essentially being sex positive. I actually find her to be an amazing role models, and I'd really love to do exactly what she's doing now. This is something I can see myself being really happy doing, because I find it to be a really important topic to me now. Check out her informative and sexy videos!

I think I may be becoming a bit crazy with all the feminist stuff these days. I feel that way mainly because I've been talking about some of the stuff I find with an rl friend, and he's one of the smartest guys I know, and he's starting to really become aware the differences women face, but also he scoffs at a lot of things and has been finding some weird results in some studies. For instance, he believes there's nothing wrong with objectification in advertising or in real interactions, as long as you're honest about it. Or that we shouldn't encourage more women to go into male-dominated fields. And that there's nothing wrong with using certain tropes of portrayals of women in media instead of trying to change them. He confounds me at times.

Anyhow. My obsession of the week is Meat Loaf, the singer. The TV show Community is still awesome - if you still haven't watched it yet...why? (I will admit I've been a but behind, though.) The fourth season of Arrested Development sounds like it's going to be awesome - supposedly all the episodes will air in one day, so they want to play around with the format. There is currently a petition to bring back Steve Holt (STEVE HOLT!), and holy crap does the actor look different now. Also excited for the next season of the British show SPY. :>

Aaaaand I pretty much wrote this to avoid writing papers and studying for exams. I honestly have zero motivation, even though I know that after next week I'll have graduated with my BA and I won't have to do any more of this crap for another year.


famous/important people, school, awful things, social media

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