I hate being sick. Also blogging.

Jul 09, 2009 22:59

So you know what sucks? Being sick. If you have something to do or are missing something you want to miss, okay. But it's summer, I have friends I want to see, volunteering I want to do, and the weather has been really nice one out of every three days. Basically I'm staying sane by reading Harry Potter, drinking lots of soup and yummy tea and sitting in my parents' bed for hours on end.

Oh, and panties. Panties keep me sane. Dragonfree and her boyfriend are also incredibly fun. We will be able to webcam better once I also get a webcam and once my voice returns.

Being in contact with them's been really fun, actually. Told Shadey my ah, life story, and he's somehow completely intruiged and all <3 and apparently I have good story-telling skills even on MSN. XD Have been giving progress reports, and there has been webcamming/micing (since I just have a crappy microphone) and it has been most enjoyable. And now THEY HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO VISIT NEXT SUMMER BWAHAHA. It can't come fast enough. ;;

...that's what she said. 8D

Lots of recent deaths recently. Pretty shitty. I have my suspicious thanks to 4chan (hopefully she's next...if anyone *coughs*). Kind of unfair how much attention MJ's getting over the other guys. *sighs* If only Farrah Fawcett had been the Queen of Angels or something. Personally, the death that affected me the most was Billy Mayes. I know it's really weird, but after hearing of the others, that night I was sort of thinking "gee, imagine all those people dying so quickly. MJ's definitely taking away some of the jokes from the internet. Ugh, good thing we've still got all those other guys - Vince whatshisname of ShamWow, Chuck Norris, Billy Mayes..." especially since literally just around that time I really really starting to like Mayes. Just earlier that week saw an awesome video on YouTube of him at a McDonalds drive-thru, he'd been coming up a lot in conversation lately and such. *sighs*

So that was a shame to find out. But of course who cares about Billy Mayes when the King of Pop dies? But didn't he dangle- he was a musical icon! Yeah, but wasn't he accused of molesting- he was an innovator, one of the greatest entertainers of our time! Sorry, media, what was that you were saying when he was alive? :/ It was nice to hear jonlajoie voice it, and be the first to start making jokes. Don't get me wrong: I still think he did some amazing things and that his memory should be respected, but he still did some shit and I'm sure I wasn't the only one who enjoyed a good joke about it every once in awhile. Death is always that one thing that can be counted on to bring out the best in people.

So the sickness has had a very nice progression. It started, I like to suspect, on Friday, when I went to see Transformers with Tom (it was my second time, and good thing it was because, like me, he's a big talker during movies (and film student!) so I didn't miss anything). I think we were both able to appreciate Rainn Wilson (I would not hit him as Dwight, but MISTER POETRY PROFESSOR Astrology professor, hell yeah O'll finish that. Giant fucking fighting robots that turn into cars (and sometimes airplanes or ASTRO TRAIN) also made for a great sequal - who'd have thought! We look forward to Michael Bay: Explosions! 3: More Explosions! sometime soon. Because they have the fucking budget for it. And because Starscream is forever Megatron's bitch.

So all in all, I am fairly satisfied with this movie (there were enough explosions and Megan Fox's ass was righteous). I am, however, extremely dissapointed that Zero could not submit her full review. Now I have to go and track down Momo, and last time we talked about that fandom I learned of all the intricacies of giant robot sex. That was an interesting bus-ride. x.x

Last Saturday was one of those expensive days; went with the nerds for all-you-can eat sushi - Ryan made a reservation for the place at 1 the day before, but it turned out they were closed, which takes a certain level of ignorance. So found another one - which had student discounts X3 - then got some Imax tickets for Transformers! Expensive ticket, but holy shit, Imax is awesome. Like, I came. Multiple times. Did you know it's Canadian technology? And the screen's six stories high? And that giant fighting alien robots look really, really cool on it? Oh and there was a laser show. No end to the squeeing. Held was complaining and I would have clutched at Kallos if he wasn't Becky's territory. This was possibly one of the better sequels I have ever seen, and any enthusiats of aliens, robots, cars, transforming, 80's franchises and Megan Fox's ass should see it asap.

After, we met up with Jon, who'd been biking around, for burgers before heading to Kallos' house. We also met up with Brian, Jackie, and their friend Nina (who I apparently had a couple classes with in my first term) there, meaning that for the first time in MONTHS, the ENTIRE group was all together (plus two other girls, so the girl-guy ratio wasn't so bad)! We watched Eurotrip and played some Balderdash, and good times were had.

Sunday we had Grandpa over for a BBQ, then Mom and I made banana chocolate chip cake! I still sucked at baking and Grandpa was watching and yelling at us for one thing or another until he left. And we pelled those bananas like potatoes since they'd been in the freezer. But it was <3 in the end. And that was the day I started telling Shadey my life story.

Pink Ludoos was on Monday morning, so Mom and I watched a bit of that before going out to see if I could volunteer at a couple places for the summer. Went to Anisa's Movie Monday that night - she played West Side because we're cool like that.

Tuesday I went in to my new university to have my advising appointment and basically learn the ropes and how to apply (though the system was screwed up), then it was Stevie Wonder! Arrive three hours early, and good thing we did; while Sam, Eric and the Ryan I'm being set up with saved seats, I went to get dinner with Adam and Linda (Ryan should have joined us :/), and by the time we got back less than an hour later, the place was PACKED, and it took another hour to squeeze through the crowd and find them. Then it started to rain and it was just a sea of umbrellas. Eventually it cleared up (and the shouts of "FERMEZ LES PARAPLUITS!" stopped), and we could at least see the screens, though were packed like sardines. Stevie played a lot of Michael Jackson tributes, which was a bit annoying since he just played the CD, but when he finally did his own stuff it was pretty awesome. As people eventually started leaving there was actual ROOM, we could sit, eat a little, I got a stomachache and we saw Roni at a Subways after we left. We got fucked getting home, and ended up having to half-taxy, half get a lift from my mom. XD

Ryan invited me out for some stuff on Canada Day even though I was exhausted and not too up to it, so we went and saw some neat performances, from klezmir-ish to a neat drumming group. The weather was really alternating between hot and cloudy - we went from putting our feet in the fountain from the heat (some people went wading around in it and some drunk topless man got hit full-on by a fountain) to cloudy as we watched an acrobat on a ring with ropes in the air. By the time we'd parted ways and I was on my way to Sam's it had started raining and a thunderstorm had begun. It was just Sam, Eric and myself, so we got some KFC, went to my place, ate and watched TV. Nothing exciting.

Thursday I started my new work as a volunteer at the local hospital - just filing, nothing special or very interesting, from 1-4. I was scheduled to return Tuesday and possibly do some help with the nurses.

Friday morning I had a tour around an elderly center, where I'll also be volunteering (once I get better), and I'm rpetty excited about that. Once I get better. Then it was Transformers.

So yeah. Woke up Saturday like "oh, fuck, it begins" because my throat was killing me. I always know when it begins. It starts with a random sore throat one morning. Then I feel better as the day progresses. We were supposed to go to Scourge's party on the south shore - we'd been planning it for like a month, but with the weather, lift issues and my sudden ailment, that was just a no-go. I hope Swoeca was able to go with Bobby in the end, and not have a totally awkward drive. XD Ryan wanted me to join his friends, but it would have been...eh. And then I was sick so yeah.

Anyway, Sunday I woke up still worse. Had actually arranged to go see The Hangover with Ryan, but being sick totally fucked the brains out of that plan. :/ So instead I finished my first reread of Harry Potter six, and, while taking a nice long, hot bath with scented soap and Dead Sea salts to make skin all nice, I began, for the first time, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Was really surprised Rowling had the balls to actually not set it at Hogwarts. *not sure why this surprises her so*

Monday and Wednesday I roused myself from bed to go to some job-search workshops, to the displeasure of my mother who wanted me to stay home and rest. It was both easier and harder Monday because I fell asleep at 4:30 and woke up for no reason at 6 and barely got any more sleep after that, so I was tired but sort of up already. Plus other things amused me. And I got to finally watch Dogma and play Prototype! And now I finally know what Shadey and Adam have been going on about, and I want to glide through the air and massacre people summore! *almost wrote "massage" instead of "massacre," biiiiig difference* xD

Today I got to sleep in, and The Office and 30 Rock played for two straight hours. G-Force commercials played during 30 Rock. Traceeeeeeey. D:

In other news, the urge to write a one-shot has been burning burning inside me, but no strong ideas come to mind. I really need to get my ass into gear if I want to do something for the HG/SS contest, which I really would like to participate in, but my mind seems to be more set on Kanto or some shit at the moment. On a sidenote, though, I honestly cannot believe how much some people ahve been freaking out about using attacks from later generations or referencing other regions or Pokémon. Seriously, guys? Seriously? Are we just afraid of using common sense, and are we honestly going to be spending that much time referencing the Sevii Islands or all the forms Rotom can take?

I think that the judges should take off points every time Spinda are mentioned in any way, shape or form. Brownie points if you can find a way to explain that Gallade really is just a female Gardevoir who needed phallic arms but still wanted to wear a tu-tu.

Oh, and Fics is still being visited by our usual righteously infuriated CAPS LOCK CRUISE CONTROL MAKES EVERYTHING BETTER batch of pleasant people, who grow and diminish like the swell of the tide. *yawns*

And the Mod section is more awesome than usual. I wish Psi were still around to spread his Gibacoil of SPAM. And VG Cats has an awesome and totally true Pokémon comic (main, not Super Effective, though that one's also amusing) up. Pretty much what we've all been thinking for years. XD


pokémon, movies, sppf, famous/important people, sick, fan fiction, books, vacation

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