It's sharing time kids!!!

Dec 24, 2004 17:34

Well hmm..random shit right here

I got my grades....Fuck OU is all I have to say. Fuck that school, fuck those teachers, and fuck those classes and most of all fuck 3/4 of the people that go there :).

Gave Ken his presents, he loved them! so happy about that, He gave me mine, since I already knew about my necklace I knew 1 of them, but I still love it!!!!!! SO much its soo pretty and I show it to everyone, and there hasnt been one day that I havent worn it. and he bought me a wireless mouse and keyboard they are so badass you have no idea, but they dont work with my windows version so Im gonna either return them and get a new one that works with my windows or update my windows with Mel's Xp but more than likely exchange it for one that works, but I love the one he bought me so much its so awesome. and he bought me a spongebob mousepad! so cute. and some spongebob boxers ;) they make my ass look HOT! Im sure hell like them :)

Mel gave me her gifts, and she loved mine and OMG did I love hers! She bought me a nightmare bed canopy so kewl! and a nightmare belt buckle and a nightmare pillow and a nighmare blanket with the 3 trick or treaters from the movie(I put this so the people that dont know names will know who im talking about) "Kidnapp the Sandy Clause". and a stocking with kewl stuff in it, I was so happy. Then her mom got me a webcam! So awesome, Mel and I wrote messages on paper last night. Stick figures are sick.

I cant wait till tomorrow, im really excited to give people their gifts that I bought, I feel a sort of maturity that I was able to buy everyone gifts with money that I earned myself and was able to buy w/e I wanted to buy them.

My car is fine now, just some front end damage.

I miss Ken like crazy, havent talked to him all day...Called but someone was complaining that he was on the phone...::Bites tounge::. I love him so much.

My Grandparents came over get togethers make me uncomfortable.

Well im gonna play pool or something...I never feel like updating this thing. Everything that goes on in my life I dont like typing out cause people read this and dont deserve to know what goes on in my life. If you wanna know talk to me more than once every couple of months :)
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