I decided to end it with Lindsay. She is the most
controlling person I have ever been with. I was gonna just say,
"Hey, you're a controling bitch, get out of my life!" but
ileen- made a far better suggestion (which she
later said was a joke); that I tell her I'm gay and that she
was just an experiment. I didn't exactly tell her that, but
knowing all about her homophobia, I told her that I had been
with like six different guys. It was hilarious, she got all
upset, then she actually went outside and threw up! Then she
came back in and chewed me out about how that was "sick, wrong,
and evil." I was just about to tell her "It was a lie bitch, I
just don't want to be with you and didn't want to tell you what
a bitch you are cuz I didn't want to hurt your feelings!" But I
didn't. However, when Dan came home, since I hadn't told him
what was up, I asked her not to tell him, telling her that he
didn't know and it would completely weird out our friendship.
Sooo... as soon as he comes in my room the first thing she says
is something to the effect of, "Did you know Joshie's been with
six guys?"
How uncool is that?
She finally wound up making a big deal out of grabbing all
her stuff, and making sure that it seemed like she never wanted
to see me again. She even made me change the übercute
"Josh and Lindsay" banner on her cell phone back to the default
"Sprint PCS" corporate advertisement. So I figure I'm single
now, right?
Last night, like an hour after I fell asleep, she comes
over. For some reason Dan lets her in. She proceeds to tell me,
while I am still not sure if she is Lindsay or a crew member on
the Starship of Chocolate Elves, that she can get over it and
we can make it work. Then she asked me if I felt the same way.
I was so tired, however, that I knew I wouldn't be able to make
anything I said sound delicate, and not hurt her feelings. And
the whole reason I told her I was gay in the first place was to
keep from hurting her feelings, so I just let out a noncommital
grunt and rolled over.
I really need to do a better job of choosing who I go out
with. All my friends were relived when they thought we were
broken up, apparently I was being a real dick. If I was a dick
to you, sorry. I didn't mean to be.
In other news, last night I was sitting at home coding (nah,
really?) and Dudekoff calls me. I don't know how he even got my
number (was that your doing, Ileen) but he was all like, "I'm
hanging out with Alisha, you wanna go to iHop with us?" Duh. So
I hung out with them for a few hours, it was pretty cool. I
hadn't seen Dudekoff in a while, he is a pretty cool guy, and
Alisha seems like a good kid.
Saw Dreamcatcher the other night. It was nothing like what
the previews and theatrical trailor made me think it would be,
but it was a damn good movie all the same. Also saw Ghost Ship,
that seemed dumb on the previews but it was really good. I
would definantally reccomend it. Speaking of movies, I heard
that they are just starting post-production of Boondock Saints
II, I don't know if it will show in theatres, but if so, who
all wants to go see it with me? That should be like the coolest
movie ever made.
Oh, my
paid account
is about to expire, so if you have five bucks to spare, feel
free to
renew it
for me. Cuz when it does expire it will break my site and I am
going to be very very sad.