Apr 14, 2007 16:03
...Crap. I can't remember if we had homeword for English besides studying. >.>;
Oh yeah. The thing about April showers was true today... I woke up to a downpour. I mean, buckets. But really beautiful and I could smell the rain and eeeeeee~ :3 And then we had a little bit of distant thunder going on and... wow. I was ready to slip into heaven.
Now. If only I could sketch or write more. ;~;
The weird part is now that it's sunny. Hardly a cloud in the sky. Oo So... yeah. Not sure what to think about that.
...The Silvaze is taking over my braaaaaaaaaaaain. *DED*
Yes, I've been RPing. Hush.
On a side note? Yeah... I woke up and decided I felt like showering. And looking in the mirror, with my turtleneck sweater and jeans?
...I felt like a goddess.
Weird, I know. But it's nice to just feel pretty (more like gorgeous really, but let's not brag ;3) some days.
i'm da pretty-pretty princess!,
sk00l 0o,