Alrighty... truthfully, everyone was very good to Chasey. I got like... three offers to get that song.
I am playing it now. On Winamp. Am very happy. <3 <3 <3
Thank yoooooous, everyone~
Well... I sort of did fanart... depends on what you call fanart. ^^;
Anyway. I need a slogan for Silvaze. And I'm rather stuck between a couple.
1- Silvaze is Adorkable Love
2- Silvaze is Save-Your-Life Love
3- Silvaze is Best Friend Forever Love
So yes. Help? ^^;
Also working on making icon. Hopefully I will have it all up very soon. Yes. <3
Because people wanted to see the thing I was slaving over in Photoshop for over two hours. ^^;Yup... I want to make one of those dratted color bars, which is exactly why I want people to tell me their oppinion on the best slogan. I want to put it up in my profile. Maybe throw it up on
silverxblaze if I can. ^^
I got tagged. ^^;
List 10 movies:
five faves
five guilty pleasures
1- Fried Green Tomatos
2- Hoodwinked
3- Pirates of the Carribean
4- The Little Mermaid (yeah... so?)
5- The Lion King
1- French Kiss
2- Rocky Horror. >:3
3- As Good as it Gets
4-... I think that's it...
5- see above