(no subject)

Dec 02, 2006 22:04

Okay. Smutty ficcy. Metroid fandom, just for a little something different. Probably rated PG-13 to R. Somewhere in there. I dunno. ^^;

“Please…” she begged weakly, her voice feeble and quavering. A voice laughed, too close and too loud.

“Please? Please what?” the voice caressed over her skin, flowing like a haunting lullaby. A hand traced through her hair, and breath tickled her jaw.


“Stop?” the hand wrapped around her blonde threads and tugged, causing the girl’s head to tilt. “Why stop? You don’t like it?” As if to add emphasis, the hand began to pet. The warm, tender touch caused her to quiver; the voice chuckled softly. Soft lips danced over her bare skin. “You see?” the voice silkily continued. “You are so happy this way, Samus… why would you want me to hesitate?”

The girl quivered; despite her faltering will, she managed to give a nasty glare to the glowing yellow eyes. “I-and you-you’re sick, monstrous-”

“Oh really? Do monsters lend their foes such… hospitality?” At that, the hands reached behind Samus and began to unzip her wetsuit. “When you came here…” The zipper was halfway down. “You had every intention…” The cloth was falling from her shoulders. “Of killing me.”

A light tug removed the blue insulation. It fell next to the suit, which had been removed before Samus had woken into this. The hand returned, tracing the line of Samus’ back and feeling over her hips.

“You’re a monster…” Samus choked out, not fully believing her words. “Y-you killed them all-ordered for all of my family to die. You enslave the Zembions, and then make yourself into an imitation of human-it’s disgusting. You’re disgusting.”

A chuckle. “Why not? At least this way…” The hands restlessly searched, Samus clenched her teeth. “At least this way you see me as more than just an archenemy. As more than just a brain.”

The hands became suddenly more gentle, as if suddenly aware that they had entered forbidden grounds. Samus also recognized it immediately; she shivered, biting back a whimper. She couldn’t help but lean into that warm body.

At last, the voice spoke confidently. “So? Why not?”

Samus didn’t have an answer. Against every principle she had once had, suffocating under her crumbling pride, she relented and fell deeper into the cursed embrace.

And like, wow. O.o; What my brain comes up with sometimes...

Metroid really does have some of the most crack-tastic pairings ever. This one is one of those "WTF that would never happen O WELL BONDAGE!!!!1 <3 <3 <3"
And yeah. Shutting up now.

drabble, weeeird

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