So like, I'm going to be at school for 13 hours straight tomorrow for play readings.
...They couldn't give us a little time to get away from what is slowly turning into a hell hole?
Whatever. Moving on.
I'm calming down on the Silvaze thing. Not to the point where I don't obsess, but to the point where there aren't constant plot bunnies darting across my brain at break-neck speeds.
Instead, I've been seriously considering a short, semi-smutty fic. I can't think of any friggin' Silvaze scenarios though... so I may turn to an entirely different fandom.
Yes, Metoid.
Reason? Only that it has some of the most crack-tastic (in the words of
chaoscheebs) pairings that I've ever seen. And Samus/Mother Brain is teh smexy. Please don't ask me how that works. But my brain is fascinated by the strange and sick ways the pairing, if not temporarily, works.
I may have to write this out. This could prove to be entertaining.