Nov 23, 2006 10:03
Well, I'll be heading back on home at noon today. I'm gonna miss it here. ;_; I feel so inspired and peaceful when I'm here... Not that I don't miss home or anything, but... I mean, living with four other people gets kinda chaotic and aggrivating after a while.
Here, most of the time, it's just been me, Mom, Dad, and Grandma, and we're all pretty quite, peaceful people. Even Grandma, surprisingly. My cousin Eric hasn't been here much, but I got to open up and talk to him late last night. I think it's the first time I ever did. Kinda solemn moments for me, don't quite know why. It's not like we talked about anything earth-shattering or anything. I remember him being surprised that I was talking to him about Angel from X-men, saying that he was "uber sexy" which he IS, gorram it!. So we just kinda... talked. It was okay. ^^
One more day till opening night of our circus show. *FREAKOUT!*
Also, we had Thanksgiving dinner last night, since... well... in all honesty we're going to be DRIVING home, which will take roundabout 6 hours. If we're lucky. ._. We didn't have anything extravagant, and a ton of people were missing... but it was cool. It was very, very cool.
On a side note, ham will kick turkey's skinny behind ANY DAY! But especially on Thanksgiving. ^^
Am attempting to doodle out a couple of things. I have an old character that originally was anemic... BUT... I decided to give her a different sort of "oddity". There's this guy at AA, super awesome guy, he's so much fun... but he has no vocal cords. He had to have surgury or something, so they were taken out. He has this pannel thingy where they were removed, and he also has this microphone-type thing that he can place against the pannel. It'll sense vibrations, and he can talk that way. It's totally robotic and awesomeness. So, I was thinking about giving the character that.
I'm in a total doodle mood. I drew Blaze's possible battle attire, as well as Young!Flare and River. (Blaze's parents, OC, but hell why not). I also started on a couple possible designs for Dune... So far, he's turning out to be one SEXY bastard. Pardon my French, there's just... no other words for it. ^^;
I will have a LOT of art to scan when I get home...
sonic stuffs