Dec 03, 2008 22:16
Holygod, but I forgot how drama just.. takes it right out of me. Man... try dashing onstage for a good four hours and putting on the full-energy acting skills. Yeah.
Just... man, rehersal. lD
...I-in other news...
...mweeeee~~~ <3<3<3
Maybe I really am a girl!Koku, considering that I'm... quite convinced a guy like Carson would be beyond amazing. I'm a hopeless romantic, can't help it. I like hopeless romantics to be hopelessly romantic back at me. Cumulative romanticism or something. Intellectual, a quiet sense of humor, lighthearted yet contemplative and calm-ish, quiet at times, a lover of laughter... a cook... dancer...
...never thought I'd find one.
Much less one that.... sortakindalikedmeback.
...that plus the discovery of Issun AND Waka's voices within a week of one another is just...
And Carson being all prominent and happy and stuff again and being a plotting soon-to-not-be-vamprude is all amazing, despite the DRAMA and the possible manipulation, life is... honestlyreallygood~
...buh. <3<3<3
i can has music!,
me awesome buds,
uh oh she's fangirling again,
the muses,
sk00l 0o