(no subject)

Jan 21, 2008 10:24

If I don't post this now, I may never be able to because it's so full of mistakes and for whatever reason I'm getting really edgy posting stuff that has to do with characters not my own, especially these two. But... well. <3

Kiss Me Like I'm A Vampire

Firstly, I feel I must continually reasess; the lovely hedgieboy to the left is not mine. He is Kokueimai, the Muse of a dear friend

carriepika, and he is too damn adorable and awesome and cute and molestable for his own good. I adore the raver. Utterly.

So does a certain vampire of mine. >.> <3

It was with Raindancer's "Vampire" on repeat that I managed to pick myself up and color something. With plenty of mistakes, mind you, and you can tell just where I got lazy and frustrated. Also need to work more with lighting the characters based off of the background, but... I suppose that's what I get for adding one last minute. *slapped*

I really wanna talk about what I actually like and... the more I look at it... the more I just find myself criticizing it. So uh... nope. No optimistic comment from me except that, full of error as it is, it was fun. And Koku never fails to make me wonderfully happy. And Carson's hand is a pleasant fluke.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to sketch fluffy things of all sorts so that my vampire doesn't fall over and die on me. *flees to her tea* <3<3

me awesome buds, pics, the muses, food

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