Sep 11, 2007 17:04 add on, Mom shadowed me at school today. Followed me around. Saw my classes.
She... wasn't impressed. ;;
It's what I keep saying. Not the teachers or the curriculum, that's all fine and good. It's the students. The atmosphere they give and the disruptions and by now I've learned to deal with it and let it slide. But now Mom gets it too. She actually gets it.
I guess it'll be easier for her to understand why I come home so angry sometimes. ;;
Truth is though... I've grown to love this school. It has it's disruptions and it's misbehaving students and it's problems, but it's my school. It's my second year here. I've grown here. I've loved it here.
And then there's the simple fact that this school is just in such deep trouble, that we need those students to behave and score and do well and act appropriately, or there won't be a school for any of us... may not even get into the Fox. What then?
Hope this helps Mom though. I hope it helps her get it. Now I just need to convince her how much I really do love it beneath all this. Because however low they may be having to stoop or however disrespectful the students can be, I don't want to be pulled out. Not yet.
sk00l 0o