Sorry I didn't post this yesterday (looks at
Kaz), I didn't have time to type it all up. Anyhoodle, here is Part III of the con.
Em and I got to sleep in on Saturday, and by sleeping in I mean we woke up around 9:30 which isn't really sleeping in by my standards. Em decided that since we had a few hours to waste before the show opened, we should go get some breakfast and some food for later. We went to Jamba Juice for breakfast (yummy!) then went to Ralph's and picked up some bread, cheese and crackers. I don't think we got lost that time, hee. We got back to the hotel and hung out in the lobby until they opened the doors to the Convention center. Oh, I do remember that I went to the bathroom at one point and ran into Gigi there, and not only is she GORGEOUS, but she also has perfect skin. Perfect, I tell you.
First up were Lani and Wayne Pygram (Scorpius). They are both awsome. Now I don't remember the details of what they talked about (my memory's starting to fail me!) but Lani talked about his art as he was selling it outside, and he talked about one piece in particular which was a Star Chart of some sort and he said that he's going to sell it for $10 only - it was HUGE, mind you (there's another amusing story about Aughra winning the piece that's somewhere on TF). Wayne talked about his Scorpius suit and how hot it was to wear it, and someone from the audience said something like "you must have wished the cooling rods really did work" which I thought was very funny. He also talked about his band(s); for those of you who don't know, him and Anthony have a band called Signal Room and they had a gig at last year's con. Wayne said that they're hoping to perform again next year, and he kept saying that the CDs are on sale outside :D They also both talked about what they've been doing for a living since the PK Wars.
We got a break afterwards and watched more music videos and time passed etc etc, and it was time for Anthony Simcoe (D'Argo) and Gigi Edgley (Chiana) to take the stage. OH. MY. GOD. I want to marry them both. They were Hi-Larious. They were onstage for about an hour, and I swear we didn't stop laughing for a single minute. They are both so dirty-minded and had no problem sharing it with the rest of us. As soon as they got onstage, they took down the chairs to be able to walk around more freely. At one point Anthony was doing all the talking and he started making fun of himself by talking non-stop for as long as he could (he didn't draw a breath!) and saying things like how Gigi must be thinking he should shut up so she could get a chance to talk and then he suddenly stops after a long monologue and points his microphone at her and Gigi runs up to him and kisses him and Anthony pushes his legs together to cover his, um, crotch and says "well maybe I should sit down now." They also said something like how they're tired of talking about Farscape so they should talk about Porn instead. There's a great picture of that
here, courtesy of Hank. Somebody asked them about musicals and Gigi said that she loves to sing, but Anthony said that musicals suck and he proceeded to sing a song about how they suck, which was hilarious. I had tears in my eyes. Someone then said that maybe Anthony and Wayne can ask Gigi to sing a song with their band next year, and then Claudia's name was thrown out there (because she had sung once in 2003 I believe) and Gigi told Anth to have Claudia sing (which I'm sure she will hate, hee) with them. I'm telling you, the whole cast can sing. It's such a shame they never went through with that musical episode. Oh, someone also asked where they got all their new outfits from and Gigi said "Tier 6! Tier 6 is a big shopping mall!" but that we never see that on the show. Ooh ooh, also, Anthony did an imitation of the set designer picking out the colors for Moya, and I about died again. It was something like "Let's make that.. Gold, and over there... Gold.. And how about here? I know, Gold! (at this point he starts pointing randomly as if he's looking at the set) Gold Gold Gold! Ooh and Black over here because we've run out of Gold paint. And then once they get new supplies, it's Gold again." I wish we could have captured that on video because it was priceless. Gosh they were awsome.
Then there was the DRD race, which was a lot of fun, and the costume contest. At one point Gigi, her sister, David and Anthony ran up to watch the contest and they sat right in front of us.
Look how close we were to them! Gigi was cheering for the girls who were dressed up as Chiana but none of them won. When it came down to the last three,
Chris dressed as Ricky Manning,
Catherine dressed as Juanita from CBC and a pregnant girl dressed as a Luxan, the cast were mostly cheering for Chris because his Ricky costume was just priceless. And he won first place, with CB coming in second (yay!) and the Luxan girl third. Gigi then took pictures with the girls dressed as Chiana and with Chris. Oh, and there was a little boy
dressed as Little D, and he was just adorable.
After that was over, Em and I stood in line for our autographs. Speaking of autographs, I had them all sign the Farscape Forever! book and they all got a kick out of Ben and Claudia's pictures on the front cover. Apparently none of them had seen it before. Gigi thought it was awsome, and the funny part is that when I gave it to Anthony to sign, he flipped through it, found a chapter entitled "Don't Make Me Tongue You" and started reading it. Now we were standing in line but he kept looking at the book and I eventually said "would you like to borrow that?" so he laughed and said "No, no..." and signed it then continued "She's thinking 'Geez Anthony, just sign the book so I can be on my way!'" He is just adorable.
Later that night we attended the Saturday Night Cabaret, which was beyond amazing. First up was Jonathan Hardy who talked about New Zealand, his homeland, read some poetry and then performed a Maori (sp?) war chant. Like Em, I didn't really understand much of it, but the way he was performing it was spectacular. I don't think I blinked once throughout the whole thing. Wayne then got onstage with two fans, one of whom is Dr. Sandor! and they played a few songs for us, which was really cool. Wayne has a lovely lovely voice. And last but certainly not least was David and Gigi performing Love Letters, and there are no words to describe what that was like. I'm one of the few people who didn't cry but was so deeply moved by them, and especially by David because like Em said, we never get to see him performing at this range on Farscape.
After that was over, we went back to the lobby where we hung out for a while. I think we watched some music videos and said outrageous stuff. Em went back to the room like half an hour earlier than me because she was so exicted about Sunday and wanted it to come fast, hee. When I went up she was still awake though, and we stayed awake for a while talking about the next day and how we're gonna see Ben OMG!!!11!!!one! Then it was nighty night for us.
Pictures are located
here, as usual. I'm just updating the albums as I go.
Stay tuned for the final part and vid recommendations from the con!