Sep 06, 2006 21:05
Despite the fact that for most of the day I was somewhat down, by the time my sister got home from work, I was feeling so much better. Rusa-chan wrote me a lovely xxxholic story *^^* and I got two great presents. Not to mention, I got a peanut butter pie, which was just to die for! I didn't expect to get anything remotely sweet or cake like with this whole weight watchers diet that my sister has put on us.
The present from my mother was the game Dirge of Cereberes, of which I adore the song REDEMPTION by Gackt from. I'm not at all good at first person shooters and for the sake of playing the game, I'll probably cheat and have unlimited ammo and health, but I'm definitely going to play it if my stomach can handle it. I can't play the games oftentimes that have free camera angles like this no doubt promises to handle.
My second present, from my sister, shocked me more than anything else. She's just recently come home from a trip she went on last weekend to Minnesota and I didn't think she'd even remembered my birthday. From the mall up there, she bought my present and I nearly fainted when I saw it. One of my hobbies is collecting interesting chess sets. My very first chess set was made of onyx (yes, it is a kind of stone too apparently) and came from Mexico several years ago. The second was a standard glass one. The third was, I kid you not, mint condition Star Trek, 14 karat gold chess set. Those who know Star Trek will know what I mean. And I got another chess set last Christmas with a celtic theme with little viking pieces. This one also doubles with celtic pieces for checkers.
The present my sister gave me was a beautiful, beautiful chess set that their pieces all dealt with DRAGONS! *SQUEEEE!* My computer case has three dragons on it. I LOOOVE dragons! The pieces are pewter, I'm guessing and on each corner of the chessboard, there are dragons that are holding the chessboard off the ground. One side is golden and the other side is black. Within ten minutes, I'd even made up histories for each of the main player pieces (though the castles were actual castles, so no history for them), such as the two queens being sisters. All the pieces have distinct personalities and...well, I've bored my sister and mother with the descriptions enough XD
Getting a dragon chess set has been one of my goals in life. I just couldn't believe it when I saw it! My sister said she had trouble with getting the chess set here and ended up putting the chess pieces in her socks and the chess board in her suitcase since they wouldn't let it go on the plane in the box they gave her at the mall where she bought it. ^^;;; I have to say I was too busy ogling the pieces to pay much attention to what she was saying. *^^*;;;;
For a day that didn't start out so great, the birthday ended very well! *_*