Jun 07, 2008 23:16
Went through all of my studio/assigned drawings for drawing class and rolled them up individually; a few got smeared pretty badly. I made some really charming pieces towards the end of the year of several nudes that I definately need to document, but most of the rest just seems like garbage to me. I'll have to send a drawing to my aunt, who is charmed that I'm going to art school and wants evidence. She really wants a sculpture, but I need some good wood before I can carve any more, and good wood is hard to find.
Also worked out this morning. I've been avoiding benchpressing because I like having working limbs, but it mocks me every time I pass it by. I feel out of shape, even though I'm really not that out of it; the numbers on the machines I work out on have dropped, as has my morale. The first time I got back into working out, I threw up because I drank too much water. Euck. I had to go ask for a towel to mop it up.
I wholeheartedly listened to the DFL Convention for Minnesota's next senator, and I gotta tell you either way, we won. We had two intelligent, well-spoken and honest candidates with clearly laid-out plans and ideas, and I've never felt more secure about who I'm voting for. Not that I've voted for many years, but you know how it is. I'm glad it turned out to be Franken, though, cause that means after this bloody, bloody campaign is all over, Norm Coleman is going to go home heavily wounded, disgraced and humiliated.
I have a miserable work study position in the Career Services Office at school. 10 hours a week at 7.25 an hour barely covers the bus fare it takes to get to the school, especially now that the rates are going up a FULL DOLLAR. At least I'm getting more hours this week, and at least my bosses are really the sweetest people in the universe. I interviewed for a full-time position in the Continuing Studies Office, but no calls yet. I also applied to basically every business on the planet and received not a single response from any of them. Grim financial prospects for the coming year; I'd sell blood if they didn't discriminate against gay men.
What else, what else. My computer broke down; it will cost a little over 300 total to recover the hard drive memory. I had two beers today, one because I was in a good mood after working out and needed to ruin it with a depressant and a long nap, and the other because my dad's overweight friend dumped a bunch of chips out on the table and went on to shake out the crumbs everywhere right after I'd spent a few minutes cleaning it up and setting it.
Then he sat on his enormous ass and talked about mail-order brides and medical texts and all sorts of boring crap while stress-eating all the food in the house. Then my parents talked about their plans about sending me to Ireland through the study abroad program, and mapped out my tour of Europe (which is apparently happening next year), which gave their other friend fodder to wistfully talk about how she always dreamed of painting in Paris, which is when you know the shit has hit the fan.
At this point, I was brooding over a half-empty bottle and letting my mind drift far, far, far, far away, and thankfully people stopped paying attention to me.