16 Unicorn Street, Saturday evening

Feb 27, 2010 19:39

Once Peter made it clear that he trusted Sam, it hadn't taken much to gather the few belongings he had in that box, as well as the painting he'd done, and say goodbye to Caitlin and Ricky. With Peter safe, Sam's mood had greatly improved, and he'd even said thank you to the two of them for taking care of Peter as they left, despite their failure in getting Peter home to his family and friends. One long plane ride later, Peter and Sam were back in the US, where Sam had booked a portal straight back to Fandom. Peter had been taken from New York, that much was certain, and Sam wasn't about to leave him there to have it happen again.

With Dad, Zoe, and Grace gone, Sam figured staying at the house would be a better idea than taking Peter back to the dorms. They had a kitchen with plenty of food, and most importantly, a nice bedroom to stay in. Sam wasn't about to push for anything physical while Peter still couldn't remember him, but that didn't stop him from keeping his hands on Peter as much as possible, like if he let him go he'd disappear. And that didn't stop him from being a creeper staying awake while Peter rested, so he could watch him and make sure he was really, truly okay.

floppy-haired memory fixing, places: 16 unicorn st, floppy-haired rescuing, people: peter

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