Room 320, Sunday Night

Feb 14, 2010 21:02

While Sam had to admit that he was happy to have gotten so many flowers (and was amazed by the skills of whoever had kept those orders out of his sight for so long), the full onslaught of Valentine's Day was taking its toll on him. As he'd looked forward months ago, he'd imagined this day to be a lot different, and the roller coaster of going from thinking Peter was dead to thinking he was alive to not knowing what state he was in was finally making him snap.

It was a completely stupid idea to call Peter's cell phone, but when he didn't get a "Disconnected" message and heard Peter's message instead, Sam stared at the phone for a moment and snapped it shut. He redialed, listened to Peter's voice, and then hung up again, and it wasn't until the third time that he finally left a message.

And here he'd thought he couldn't possibly feel any more pathetic today.

[Establishy! Or not, whee!]

room 320, i'm a bad boyfriend, floppy-haired messages

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