Uh, I guess I'm not in Kansas anymore...

Jan 26, 2010 18:21

All righty, then. So, I started in Guthrie, Oklahoma six days ago. Then I was in...some fuckin' place that looked like an abandoned, derelict version of Frontierland at Disney five days ago. Four days ago, I woke up in Canada. Still haven't gotten the smackdown by ol' Yellow Eyes, so I think maybe it's over. This place ain't too bad. I met a hot chick on my first day and she didn't try to kill me, so that's a plus. I don't know where fuckin' Winchester, GI Joe and Bitchy Gidget disappeared to, but I can't find my cell phone, so I can't even call him up and ask. So that sucks.

I'm gonna go ahead and assume, until further notice, that I'm the only freak Special Kid ...one of my particular generation ...of freaks, but that's beside the point. That's cool with me, I like being special. Plus, it means no potential showdown and that's even more cool with me. All that said, it's friggen cold here and no offense, but I kinda miss my van and the O.K. Corral, so to speak, so...if anyone around here knows where I can find a ride to last me long enough to get back down south, that'd be great.

...unless there's a good reason to stick around. In which case, 'sup bitches? Where's the nearest party and/or club chock filled with hotties and/or shady dude on a street corner pedalling the good shit for a fair price? Just kidding on the last bit. Mostly. Since I still have a stash in my hoodie pocket (SCORE!) and all I really need is to replenish my recently spent supply of rolling papers. For now.

In short: I'm Andy and until I get myself some wheels, I think I'll be hangin' out for a while, so I wouldn't hate some company. Clearly, more preferably of the female persuasion, but then I'm not super picky, either. Oh yeah, last thing: is there a map or something? Where's the nearest gas station?

i got the need for speed, ava, i'm not sick but i'm not well, new kid in town, sam, jake, george

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