
Jan 21, 2020 20:20

Pseudonym: Jen
Age: 27
Time Zone: EST
AIM: RockinTheHD (Kimberly’s: onlynewlife; Sid’s: uselessandcrap; Andy’s: fourthbongload)
RPG experience: I've run a couple of games (Time, Space, and the Rift - a Doctor Who/Torchwood based game) and Vas Captio - a panfandom horror/survival game on InsaneJournal), and I've played on and off for about ten years or so. Characters have been both original and canon. My most recent canon characters, since they're most heavily played and more relevant, can be found on InsaneJournal: Andy Gallagher from Supernatural (brain_ninja, played first at Mirage and currently at Vas Captio; Shannon Rutherford from Lost (ballerinadreams, played first at Mirage and currently at Vas Captio), Sid Jenkins from Skins (emo_underdog, played previously at Vas Captio and currently out of play), and Kimberly Corman (cheatingdeath, currently played at Vas Captio. I also played Donna Noble from Doctor Who at Time, Space, and the Rift for a while. Not that I have any proof of it, but I have also sidelined as James Doakes from Dexter, Claire Littleton from Lost, and Finn Hudson from Glee, from time to time.
Your Fandoms: Might be easier to ask what I'm not into... Dead Like Me, Dexter, Doctor Who, Final Destination series, Life on Mars, Primeval, Skins, Supernatural, Torchwood, and United States of Tara being the flavors of the year.
How did you find the game: Already in it, bb ;)
Who Do You Respect?: Aretha!

Fandom: Supernatural
Name: Andrew (Andy) Gallagher
Birthdate: June 30, 1983
Age: 23
Physical Appearance: Andy stands at 5'8" at approximately 140lbs with brown hair and brown eyes. He wears two cuffs on the cartilidge of his left ear as well as two necklaces: one shorter, beaded on and another on a leather strap with a small pendant on it; and a couple bands semi-thick bands on his right wrist. He's often donning a pair of comfortable jeans and shirts layered - usually a t-shirt under a hoodie and/or a thin jacket.
Education: High school diploma
Occupation: n/a
Significant Other: n/a
Sexual Preference: heterosexual

History: Andy was born to Holly Beckett, along with his twin brother, Ansem Weems (known to Andy until shortly before Ansem's death as "Webber"). He was adopted out to the Gallagher family and spent the majority of his life not knowing his brother. Even when he met Webber, he had no idea that Webber was his twin -- in fact, Andy didn't even realize he had a twin until the Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean, did a bit of research for their own purposes.

When Andy was six months old, Azazel (aka The Yellow-Eyed Demon) came to Andy and fed him demon blood (presumably, since this is what Azazel did to Sam on the night when he was six months old). Like in the case of Sam Winchester, Andy's adoptive mother was killed in a housefire in his nursery. Andy was a Special Kid or Chosen Child. In effect, he was given the ability to control people's minds -- this kicked in around his 22nd birthday. Being the type of person he is, though, Andy used his "mind thing" (as he calls it) to send away debt collectors or get things for free (he asks a man passing on the street for his cup of coffee, for instance, when we first meet him and the man gladly hands it over. In another instance, he asks Dean Winchester for his 67 Chevy Impala which Dean also gladly bequeaths without question); his morals prevent him from using his mind powers on people for certain personal gain - for example, he never used it on Tracy, the girl with whom he was infatuated and at some point was seeing. Further to that point, when Sam Winchester points out to Andy that he could have anything he wants, Andy simply shrugs and says, "I have everything I need..."

Andy killed his twin brother, Webber, but only under duress. Webber had non-verbally mind controlled Tracy onto a dam and was about to make her jump off while at the same time, discovered Dean poised with a rifle to take him out. When both Tracy and Dean's lives had been threatened, Andy took action. Even after the fact, he looked horrified by what he'd done. He'd used his mind power on Tracy to get her to stop when she was about to jump and felt guilty afterward because he'd never used it on her in the past and he thought probably she was afraid of him because of it.

Not quite a year later, Andy, along with Sam and the other still-living Special Kids, was summoned to Cold Oak by Azazel. By the time he'd gotten there, he'd honed his skills to the point that he could use his mind control as before, but also project images into other people's heads -- he used this to prompt Dean to find them and come to help. Again, Andy only mentions having used this newly found power to project the images of gay porn into the head of a guy he didn't like. The only other time he's seen using it is to send Dean a message to find and help them all. So, even though his powers are now more advanced, he still does not use them maliciously.

Personality in seven words or less: laid-back, funny, sarcastic, psychic, complicated, secretive, outgoing
How Others Perceive Your Character:Good-natured, fun loving, and relaxed, Andy's nonchalance about life in general can either be endearing or appalling to people, depending on their own personalities. He's the type of guy that lets most things slide off his shoulders and it takes an awful lot to stress him out. Once he's stressed about something, though, he either becomes very, very vocal...or very, very quiet.

He’s a little bit closed off about his ability, because it’s caused him so much pain already. Other than that, people usually see him as a pretty laid back kinda guy.
Beliefs, Convictions, Morals: Andy is convinced that in spite of the fact that he’s a freak of nature, he will never, ever become a carbon copy of his late twin brother, Webber. He has the power to control minds and he’s been trying to train himself not to use it for anything other than getting his own ass out of a bind - or maybe for giggles if someone’s being a big enough dick to deserve it, but even then, he’d never hurt anyone. He believes it’s wrong to control people the way Webber did and he’s uncomfortable in his own skin even if he’s only doing it to someone to get out of paying a bill, now, though it hadn’t bothered him before everything that happened in Guthrie a few months ago had gone down.
People deserve a second chance, Andy believes, but at the same time, that’s only in general. There are some people Andy wouldn’t give a second chance if you paid him. His brother, for one. The Demon that made him a freak, for another. Anyone who has killed someone should be killed, he thinks, but he’d never say it out loud unless he was particularly personally affected by whoever he’s talking about at the time.

Andy’s all about having a good time, living life, and waxing philosophical when he’s getting high. His personal motto is that “everyone should just smoke a bowl and chill the fuck out.”
Reason(s) for Escaping to Canada: Andy woke up here, actually. Though, it’s a good thing; he’d have been ripped to shreds in a few hours if he hadn’t.
Their DHAs [Dreams, Hopes, and Aspirations] for Canada: …to live…? He’s pretty sure that he, Sam, Jake, and Ava still had targets on their backs, after Lily died. He wanted to get out of Cold Oak, but at the same time, shit, if trying to leave means hanging from a clock tower, fuck that shit; he’s staying put.

Twenty-Questions for the Characters:
(In your character's voice)

1. What turns them on: Chocolate, long walks on the beach, and deep meaningful discussions over candlelight dinners (yeah no, I’m totally kidding; none of that shit turns me on, dude) Hot chicks, getting high, Taco Bell (fuck yeah, that shit is the BOMB when you’re baked out of your mind!), Maggie (you should see her, the warrior princess painted on the side of my van…she’s hot in her own fucked up way), a good ass cup of coffee.
2. What turns them off: talking about my feelings, thinking about the past, dudes, people that are holier than thou.
3. Would they see a shrink: Probably not, but I should, I think.
4. Worst Childhood experience: My adoptive mother was killed in a fire in my nursery when I was a baby. I don’t remember it, because I was too little, but it shaped a lot of my future experiences that weren’t so great, so I’m thinking it totally counts.
5. Favorite Film: Another Brick in the Wall, Half Baked
6. Favorite Song: Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd; Riders on the Storm - The Doors (I won’t pick between them and you can’t make me!)
7. Favorite Word: Bong. Come on, it’s a cool word - it’s kinda phonetic, right, and then on top of it…BONG. Come on! You can’t lose!
8. Least Favorite Word: Distrust. Don’t ask.
9. Favorite Curse Word: Fuck. I love how it sounds when you say it when you’re really angry. FucK! That’s what I’m talkin’ about. Capital F, little uc, Capital fuckin’ K. Take that, bitches.
10. Best gift ever received: gift is a curse.
11. Sound or Noise they hate: Echoes. Don’t ask me why, please.
12. Sound or Noise they love: the bubbles in the bong when you’re taking a hit. Hell yeah.
13. Do they know the answer to 64 million dollar question: I’m not really sure what that means, but if you know the answer, I bet I can get you to tell me ;)
14. [Complete the sentence] ... All the world's a put on a show.
15. Did Yoko Ono really break up the Fab Four: Hell yeah she did. God, what a raging bitch.
16. Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee: Chuck Norris. If I can’t choose me, anyway ;) (totally kidding)
17. Half full or half empty: Depends on the day.
18. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi.
19. If they were a Jellybean flavor, which one: Why the hell would I be a jellybean flavor…?
20. And, finally, if Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? All right, it’s not your fault, so I’ll let you in anyway.

→writing samples
Sample Journal Entry : Andy reflects on his first week in a really, really fucked up place

Sample RPG : Andy arrives in Vas Captio with Luna Lovegood

Anything Non-Canon that's Going Down with your character: n/a

(Extras: )
Weaknesses: the moral high ground - Andy always wants to do what’s right and when what’s right and what’s necessary clash, he can become torn; eagerness to please - like with anyone, Andy’s eagerness to please can be a downfall because he sometimes puts pleasing others in front of what’s best for himself; drugs - Andy’s got a slight addiction to marijuana
Strengths: psychic ability - Andy can control the minds of others simply by verbalizing a request as well as send images into the mind’s eye of someone else; nonchalance - being as laid back as he is, Andy is very easy to get along with
Likes: coffee - everybody needs a kickstart at the beginning of their day; marijuana - nothing better than a nice high when you’re bored; women, sex - these pretty much go hand in hand. Andy’s a guy, what do you expect?; having fun - a given. Andy enjoys having a good time and he’ll always try to find a way to brighten a situation if he can. As he might say, “life’s too short to do it any other way, man.”
Dislikes: demons - he doesn’t really understand them but he knows as much as a demon is the one who cursed him with the psychic powers and lonely life he now leads; having an evil twin - seriously, who’d want an evil twin who tries to kill their loved ones?; seeing people hurt - Andy’s very empathetic and it breaks his heart to see other people hurting.
Talents/Hobbies/Special Abilities: controlling minds - explained in strengths; smoking pot - Andy’s pretty much a pro at this, by now. Bong, bowl, joint; you name it, he’s tried it.
Outside link to character information: Andy on Wiki


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