I'm considering running a Small Fandom Big Bang Challenge and am trying to gauge the interest in such an undertaking.
I've created the community (call me optimistic),
smallfandom_bb, and have posted some polls to gauge interest in 1)
which fandoms people would like to see included, for the moment, we're accepting any and all suggestions and will decide, if things move forward, whether or not a fandom suggested is NOT actually a small fandom 2)
if people are actually interested in taking part at all, and 3)
if people are interested in being team leaders/team members for one of the following sections; gen, slash and het. Depending, again, on interest and the number of fandoms chosen for this challenge, we may consider having teams for each section of each fandom.
My intial idea is that this will be run much the way the Stargate Atlantis Big Bang was run in that it will be like three big bangs in one; gen, slash and het. Word counts will be the same for all three sections and all three sections will have the same number of suggested prompts to choose from.
This all came about from initial plan to run an Eureka Big Bang, however, while gauging interest for that we found that there just weren't enough people willing to write/create art for it to actually BE a Big Bang challenge. Someone suggested the idea of having a small fandom big bang instead, where there are several fandoms to choose from with prompts matching each of them and I'm hoping that interest for this will be significantly higher than it was for the suggested Eureka Big Bang challenge. Again, call me optimistic. ;)
So if you're interested, please take a moment to pop over to
smallfandom_bb and answer the polls. Also, feel free to link to this/pimp this out. The more response we get, hopefully the more likely it will be that we'll go forward with this challenge. *crosses fingers*