Chapter 22: Cho's Mistake

Sep 01, 2011 21:33

Chapter 22: Cho's Mistake

1. He had forgotten about Neville, whose mouth was open in shock. Then Neville’s brain connected to his mouth. "Aaaaaah!" Neville screamed.

Sometimes when you're extremely shocked there's just a slight delay in reacting, you know? Poor Neville. ;)

2. "Silver is the only thing that can kill a werewolf, Potter," Snape said matter-of-factly. Harry nodded, looking down at his hands, trying to imagine his best friend asking him to do the same. If Ron asked him to kill him, could he ever do it?

Ah, more foreshadowing for the sequel(s)...

3. Fudge doesn’t want to admit he was wrong about his return.

I got this right to an extent, but didn't carry it as far as OotP. I thought the Ministry campaign against Harry in OotP was a brilliant move on JKR's part.

4. "The BBC," read Ginny softly, "reported that when rescuers were finally able to enter the station proper, they found the word POTTER scrawled on the wall in an unknown green substance. Since the BBC has reported this, a number of groups heretofore unknown to the police have claimed responsibility. Among them are Pagans of the True Earth Resurrected, People Obliged to Treat Everyone Rotten, and Proponents of Traditional Trades Expressing Rage."

Working out a number of acronyms that would spell POTTER was both fun and extremely difficult.

5. But Cho was the one who was upset. "Harry! This is our Valentine's date! And you're--you're bringing house elves?" she sputtered in disbelief.

OMG, I'd forgotten that I actually had Harry and Cho go on a disastrous date in Hogsmeade near Valentine's Day! And--he also ditches her for something related to Hermione (elves, in this case). I totally did not remember writing this!

6. "Harry!" said Hermione. "We're a bit high up to be going out the window, don't you think?"

He smiled at her. "Not if you can fly."

Do you how long I was waiting to use that line? That's right--twenty-two chapters. :D

psychic serpent

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