Jan 07, 2008 10:59
Oh gosh what an awakening.
"Hey Tania, wake up, there's a spider trying to kill a snake" was how my mom woke me up (and i was actually having the best sleep in my life).
I was dragged up and led outside where i only saw a baby snake. I couldn't see the spider though. I thought "Oh gosh.' and overheard mom telling dad that there is a possibility that the 'big mama' snake might be around
It was a brown snake (description, not species) and after this, i went to bed. I couldn't help but sleep and i now have an image of a brown snake staring at me in the face...*shudders*. If there is any creature i hate the most it is the snakes, well the poisonous ones anyway.
anyways i STILL haven't heard from ipswich! ack! oh well, i might get it tomorrow.
I dunno what to do today, since mom is trying to limit my time on the computer, but I might as well attempt to do something artistic. If i find my case.