Thanks to Hannah...and my lack of stuff to do.

Apr 25, 2003 22:41

-first grade teacher's name: Mrs. Watson
-last word you said: Too
-last song you sang: What's the Use of Wond'ring in my voice lesson
-last thing you laughed at: Simpsons...yay
-last time you cried: Two nights ago.

-what's in your cd player: Random Mix of stuff
-what color socks are you wearing: The none kind
-what time did you wake up today: 8 AM, but I didn't get out of bed until almost 1

-what is your career going to be: Not sure. Right now I'm delusional and want to act, but probably something in law.
-where are you going to live: Not sure. NYC, maybe?
-how many kids do you want: 2, maybe 3
-what kind of car will you drive: This matters why?


-current hair: Supposed to be red, but back to it's usual light brown
-current clothes: My fun stripey jeans. The purple shirt I wore the night I had my first kiss. My claddagh.
-current annoyance: This damned flu!
-current smell: Herbal Essences shampoo and bodywash
-current longing: My boy.
-current desktop picture: Luke and me in NYC
-current favorite music artist: Counting Crows
-current book: Just finished rereading (again) Wizard's First Rule (favorite ever)
-current worry: My damned final on Monday
-current hate: I don't really have one right now.
-story behind your username: Too long to explain.
-current favorite article of clothing: My Snoopy shirt. It makes me happy. Yay.
-favorite physical feature on a boy: Depends...on mine, his stomach.
-one person you wish was here right now: Take a wild guess.
-line from the last thing you wrote to someone: you bastard.
-i am happiest when: I am with people I love
-i feel lonely when: I think about life at home.
-favorite authors: Terry Goodkind, Shakespeare, Ken Kesey
-do you think too much: Yes
-if you could live anywhere in the world, where: Not a clue
-famous person you want to meet: Stephen Sondheim
-do you have any regrets: Yes.
-sex or love: Love with sex. Sex with love. They both work better with the other.
-favorite coffee: Today I had a soy, sugar-free vanilla latte, but I'm all for almost anything
-favorite smell: A freshly opened jar of peanut butter.
-what makes you mad: Intolerance, Ignorance, Idiocy
-favorite way to waste time: Reading. Not that that's really wasting time, but eh...
-what is your best quality: I always look for the good in people. I also forgive really easily.
-are in currently in love/lust: Yes and yes. With the same person.
-what's the craziest thing you have ever done: The last time I was asked this question, it set of a chain of events that are pretty much unbelievable. Therefore, answering this question before.
-any bad habits: Yes.
-bath or shower: Bath. With bubbles, candles, a cup of tea, and a fantastic book.
-favorite season: Summer. It used to be winter, then I spent it in Chicago.
-favorite color: Purple.
-favorite flavor: Yummy.
-favorite time of day: Night. Or 4:16
-gold or silver: Silver, except for VERY special things, then gold.


-do your friends know you: Would they be my friends if they didn't?
-what do they tend to be like: Smart, funny, often goofy and crazy, spontaneous, wonderful, compassionate, talented...don't make me keep going...
-can you count on them: Most of them.
-can they count on you: Yes. I'll drop anything for my friends.


-last book you read: Wizard's First Rule. It rocks my world and gets better every time I read it (this was about number 45 reading)
-last movie you saw on the big screen: Um, Chicago? If the Jones Great Room doesn't count. Otherwise, some of Fight Club, Cuckoo's Nest.
-last song you heard: Christina Aguilera, "I Turn to You" on the radio at Osco Drugstore
-last thing you had to drink: Diet Coke. Still on my desk.
-last thing you ate: Jujyfruits
-last time you laughed: Didn't I just answer this?
-last person you talked to online: Alexi.
-last person you talked to on the phone: My dad. We're speaking this week.
-last thing you smelled: Again, I answered this...


-smoke: Nope.
-do drugs: Tried it, but it didn't work.
-drink: Sometimes.
-have sex: Not lately...stupid distance...grr...
-sleep with stuffed animals: I miss my teddy bears. So no, not at college.
-have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes.
-have a dream that keeps coming back: I have a few, actually.
-play an instrument: Flute, Piano, Voice.
-have any gay or lesbian friends: I am, as many a friend has told me, the ultimate fag hag.
-consider yourself tolerant: Yes.
-have any secrets: Yep.
-talk to strangers: Rarely
-have any tattoos: Nope
-hate yourself: Sometimes.
-wish on stars: Yes.
-believe in ghosts: Not sure.
-believe in the tooth fairy: Nope. Unless you are talking about my dentist...:-D
-have a second family: Second, and third, and fourth...
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