Stolen from my buddy Manhattan...
what was originally supposed to be a box with all stuff in it that describes me...instead is "me" (kinda) within the frame of a picture (that normally houses a candid shot of e and i kissing by the water on our wedding day) least this is the story for April 2006.
my engagement and wedding ring
leopard print sandal
scrubs from BRCH (boca raton community hospital)
lighter (…you can find me in the air…)
A few cds…all a few years old
coffee filter (don’t bother me until i’ve had a cup)
wine corks (just a few)
Shy’s honor roll trophy and her pink sparkle sunglasses
G-man’s train caboose
bracelets, rings, earrings
a watch (where the hell am I supposed to be?)
Tylenol (I said leave me alone before coffee)
incense (breathe in, breathe out)
MCAT Flash Cards
receipt from lunch/drinks with Annie
a wall plaque from G’s room ”I love Jesus and Jesus loves me”
wish i coulda thrown in a few books and dvds but short on space...and my laptop woudn't in the city belongs in there too! and the