"Cupid's · Postbox
Confess Crushes Here"
21406 How cute..this LJ site posts your Valentine's messages...Yes, I'm guilty...I dropped a message for a LJ friend..you know who you are so go find your Valentine...
Here's a cut and paste from some of the other posts that made me smile....
"You're everything I ever wanted.
I'd like to lick chocolate syrup off your chest. (lol...I got the whip cream.)
I wish I wish I wish I wish
Ouch. In my perfect alternative universe where everything goes right, she would be knocking on my door right now. (with your eviction notice)
Thank you. Because you cheated on me with that 18 year old shop girl, I have met the most wonderful man on the planet. If you hadn't done that, I'd not be as happy as I am today. Thank you and I forgive you and wish you the best. (He's probably too busy screwing his 18 year old to be reading this..but cute anyways...)
You make me think rude thoughts.....
you should kiss me sometime soon...
I STILL LOVE YOU HON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE THAN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I lovelovelove you, I'd ask you to marry me if you already weren't . (ahhhhhhhhh)
...stronger and more beautiful than you could ever know. (how sweet!)
Never give up."