So I woke up today, and I had a bloody nose.
Um, yeah. First day of senior year wasn't too shabby. For once, the rally was fun cause yuh know, the seniors are all into it and we win at everything even though I must admit the juniors had a pretty awesome poster. I managed to fall three times today. I fell on the bleachers and landed on Frank Chen. Yeah, I know...great place to land. I have two scrapes on my knee and one almostherebruise.
My classes are all pretty cool. Buncha people are in Tobar with's really like a repeat of Calc I. Gov seems fun :D...sitting in the back "being rebels." Now, APES is another story. I've never met another teacher quite like Hwang. But we won't get into that. I dunno anyone in that class. :( Well, I do. But we are merely acquaintances. Maybe I'll drop the class, hrhr. And well, Chai hasn't changed. I'm just waiting until she gets in bee eye tee see aych mode again. And Bradford is still Bradford. She hugged me today when I came in. :) It just about made my day. (I know, I know...) Intro to computers is like. The worst class evar. Full of freshmen. Take, for example, the girl sitting next to me. Stupidest, most obnoxious girl I have ever met.
In the 20-so minutes that we had she managed to ask:
- What's your name (Okay that's fine)
- Are you a freshman (EAT MY FIST!)
- If I live in the country (I said no, and she said "HAHA I DO." Um, would you like to EAT MY FIRST AGAIN?)
- Why she couldn't get her locker open
- If she should get her network agreement back from the office
- Who to ask to get her locker open
- If I knew a really fobby Joseph
- If I was from China
- If the classroom clock was ONE minute fast because her watch said 12:06 but it said 12:07
And then she left. THANK YOU. AND NEVER COME BACK!!!!! Shat man. I would like, drop APES and switch to third period IC3 just to get away from her.
Oh yeah, party at my hizzouse on Saturday.
Tell me if you want to come.
Good food, and a brand new backyard.
Okay peazout. :D