Spring break was cool...

Apr 15, 2006 20:59

And FINALLY, after 11 years of schooling, this year I FINALLY don't feel bad about having to go back to school. Cause high school is almost over! W0000000000000000T.

So what did I do during break?

♥ Jenny and I navigated our way to Brea mall. Went a liiiiitttllleee too far, almost ended up in Fullerton. Accidentally ended up at Downtown Brea, stopped and asked a nice white boy for directions to the mall, and he pointed thatuh way. Got there, took forever to find parking, saw a parking space from 2 miles away, got jacked by a stupid asian girl in a yellow beetle. I think. So off to Sears parking lot. Tons of parking. Damnit! It was fun. Next time, I'll drive. :)

♥ Went down to San Dieggooo to visit Justin. Did a bunch of nothing. Buuuttt played lots of MarioKart! Alllllmost missed the train back but not. That was fun too. Oh, and this old asian man kept stalking me. And asking me questions. Hrm.

♥ Yesterdayyy spontaneous night action with Jess and Tiffu. Went to Jesska's house. She has the house alllll to herself til Sunday. Ate burnt popcorn, pranced around a lot in our underpants, tried on dresses that Tiffu and I didn't fill out too well, ate yumm-ohh icecream, snuggled up in a blankets :), watched Dirty Dancing and a bit of Sweet Home Alabama (which we must finish by the way because it was pretty funny), Shawnzay came, and I went home at 10:30. That was fun too. Oh, and Tiffu, ONE DAY I WILL FIND OUT! I love these girls.

♥♥♥ USC! Yes, I went to Explore USC on Monday. I've made my decision, and I am completely off to USC! I loooved the campus, although the surrounding neighborhood isn't too nice. But that's okay. The campus is mostly red brick and old kind of architecture and lots of flowers and trees and BIRDS UGH DISGUSTING but I'll manage. Everyone was really spirited and \/FIGHT ON!ish. Except for my student host who raved about UCLA every time it was mentioned. But other than her, the financial aid guy made cracks about UCLA, the tour guide made cracks about UCLA, the marching band director made cracks about UCLA, etc etc etc. I've got nothing against UCLA, I must say I still love that school. BUT I LOVE USC MORE NOW! I guess that's a good thing. I was like the only asian there. Okay fine maybe like 30ish asians out of 100+ touring students, not too bad I guess. Lots of white peoples. Why do white peoples manage to look so much older than asian peoples? The different schools were separated, so around like 25 of us kids went off to Annenberg. That was the only building that was...modern I suppose. Although it's been around for 125 years. It was alright I guess. I'm still not sure if I'm really cut out for journalism, but I think going the magazine-journalist road would be cool.

School is almost over! I'm almost graduated! This is exciiiiitttinggg. I still remember almost 4 years ago. My brother's graduation. Man, I was sooo jealous of him. It was all so exciting and they were all going off to college and w00t w00t. Now it's MY turn!!!!! DBHS is known for having crazy graduation programs so that's exciting too. Troy's was pretty bad. According to Jessica's profile there are 35 more school days until graduation. That still seems like a lot of days, but it's all going to pass by so quickly! Next two weeks are CAT6 testing, don't go to school til 10:50 every day basically, so that's gonna fly by. I'm only at school for like, 3 hours! And then after that, AP testing weeks always fly by, and then Prom and then SENIOR WEEK and then GRADUATION!

I can't wait! I'm gonna miss a lot of people though. We formed a little group this year and that made us bond a bit. Last year I didn't think I was going to miss anyone very much, but I know now that I will! My friends are great. I ruv my fraaannngsss. They do everything for me! Like drive all the way to ghetto LA to watch me play for like, 10 minutes. You guys are irreplaceable! Did I even spell that right? Oh well.

Alllriiiteeeyyy where is JUSTIN YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE PICKING ME UP RIGHT NOW! Stop eating so much. And stop ditching me! What a kaka.

I read a lot this week. Well, sort of. Read Angels and Demons and read Kite Runner. Both pretty good books. Angels and Demons was pure entertainment. Kite Runner made me think a little more. The words Afghanistan, Taliban, Pakistan were all thrown around a lot in the past few years. But I never took the time to actually understand the history of these words. Good book. Justin's mommy reads good books. You should all go to her to find good books.

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