Apr 17, 2007 19:29
Wow has this week been wacky. I'm actually on vacation but I just got in from work. I took Scott, my case consumer, out for his behavioral contract. One thing I don't love so much is how I end up taking my work home with me. It's the sort of job where if you don't do it yourself, it won't get done.
I had a dermatologist's appointment today for my first of many to come yearly body exams to make sure I don't have cancer (oh the joys of having a direct family history of malignant melanoma). My dad is going in this week to have this thing on his arm biopsied. Apparently his doctor found something again that doesn't look good. Joy.
In other news my dad's apartment flooded. I love Nor'Easters.
But yay Adamma is visiting for the weekend weeeeeweeeeeeeeeeeee.