Feb 23, 2010 08:05
I'd just like to bring everyone up to date on the fact that my beautiful, radiant fiancée Toni and I are now in an open relationship. So if you ever wanted my cock, hop on board!
I'm just kidding, of course. Not about the open relationship, that one's real. I'm kidding about people from LJ wanting sex with me. I happen to know for a fact that nobody who still reads my journal is into me like that, which makes this the perfect venue for the announcement. If I'd let that slip on FA, my inbox would be flooded with offers, mostly from guys. And I don't want to seem like I'm advertising.
Toni and I both feel that it'll be good for us to branch out and screw other people once in a while to remind us of how bad everyone else is in bed. Not exactly, but close... it'll build our trust, help alleviate our individual frustrations, and I already feel so much closer to her... I know this seems like a trap that'll get us in the end, but my jealousy is all gone now. It's gonna be good.
And I honestly think Toni having sex with other people is pretty hot. The course of action we've taken isn't for most people, but we know it's right for us.