Bruce Trail End to End Part 6

Aug 15, 2011 23:56

A Hike on July 24th with J, dairymilk, Minnie, and I. We started at the Toronto/Iroquoia border on Appleby Line, and marched our way all the way to the furthest connection point to the Crawford Lake side trail.

If I recall correctly, this was a beautiful day for a hike. Sunny and hot. We brought a whole lot of water along on this one. Minnie got doused with muskol, to try to prevent a relapse of the lumpiness that she gets with deerfly bites. She did get quite a few mosquito bites, though, so we gave her half a benadryl at what we thought was going to be near the end of the hike. Of course, between when the 24th edition of the trail guide was printed and when we walked the trail, the Crawford Lake Side Trail and the main trail had moved, so we ended up walking a couple of kilometres longer than we though we would be :/

Start Point km 120.2, end point km 105.4

Distance covered today: 14.8km
Total distance covered: 67.0km
Bruce Trail % completed: 7.44%
Total Iroquoia distance covered: 23.1km
Iroquoia % completed: 19.12%


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