May 02, 2009 02:05
This week had so much potential to go right. I didn't realize just how much so until things started going wrong. I'm not going to recap everything because that would be a.) boring and b.) depressing.
But the first wrong turn was the Heroes season finale. It was kind of like a bullet in the brain except more emotionally taxing. I haven't been this upset over a t.v. show or its characters since the cancellation of Angel or that one time Buffy sent him to hell. It's a bad game and I don't want to play, but really can't help it. It just plain hurts.
On the up side of anger, I'm done with classes, only finals to go and I'm home free. Yeah, only finals. And now I'm gonna go back to watching a movie about a girl with teeth in her vag that chomps off guys dicks.
school shtick,