They're gonna eat me alive.

Nov 19, 2009 19:31

My answers to auctorial's interview meme.

1. If you could order your perfect dinner, what would it be?
Curry, preferably yellow. I would eat it every freaking day if the lining of my stomach could hack it.

2. Can you dance? Are you good at it? How did you learn?
Technically I can't dance to save my life. But personally I don't think that matters. Regardless of actually talent (or lack thereof) I still love to shake my groove thing. And I'm not gonna front, I learned 75% of my moves from Queer as Folk. Emmet is my dancing queen idol.

3. What is your favourite TV show on air right now?
Sadly, it's Heroes. I don't quite know what I watch it for, but I've come this far in the series I've got to stick it out until the end.

4. Even if you don't want children, what would you name them?
Thorndike. I stole this baby name from a friend of mine. It's also a street name. Plus it's totally ambisexual and I obviously want my hypothetical children to hate my guts XD.

5. If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be?
Man: John Barrowman. I think it would be hilarious.
Woman: Rachel Maddow. She's just so fucking adorable and dykie it melts my heart, et. al. I don't just watch her pundit coverage for the lulz.

Wanna play? Just leave "Resistance is futile" in you're comment and I'll ask you 5 questions in return. See, told y'all I'd be spamming you with memes soon.

Metric concert tomorrow night! I'm so excited!

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Help I'm Alive, now with 100% more tambourine!


music, vid, heroes, meme

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