One Flickr account later, I've got my Terrastock photos up.
Here's the link to the 48 photos I took. Lots of heads in these photos (hey, this is head music after all, right?) but at least you can roughly make our their physical expected, the Kemialliset Ystavat pictures are easily the best of the lot, and I like the manic out-of-focusness of the first outside Larkin Grimm shot, taken as I was scrambling to keep up with them as they went from the small stage to the big stage singing a song in tow - the picture almost seems to capture the mood...
I also took quite a few pictures of sights around Providence - mostly of old houses and trees and flowers and such, along with a marker for H.P. Lovecraft that I just happened upon by chance at Brown University. I might upload some of these later, but then again I might not...
One thing I couldn't help but upload, though...I was having a conversation with
ikahana about the dread that would arise anytime someone would ask us what kind of music festival we were going to see. Like almost any self-respecting music fan, we both abhor talking about music to 99% of the general population because more often than not we're just not on the same wavelength and typically if we try to explain this music we'll either come off as elitists or mental cases in the eyes of Joe Sixpack. In the conversation, I told him I usually just cut to the chase and say "its a weird music festival" which usually shuts everyone up. And from this sign I saw posted to the entryway to Twisted Village (still my favorite record shop in America), it looks like they feel the same way...
hope you enjoy the pictures...