(no subject)

Oct 28, 2005 10:00

the mix is slowly starting to finish up - i've bought everything that needs to be bought, made the front cover, back cover, and liners (6 pages long in 10-point type, and you'd better read it all!) and have done all assembly - half of the packages are sealed up and ready to go and i'm just waiting on the burns for the other half - hopefully they'll be going out in the mail tomorrow, or perhaps monday at the latest - i need addresses for tredecimal and xantha (P can check my userinfo page for email, which i'm pretty confident J should already know)...as far as the cover goes, let me just say that there will (?) be some of you who know the reference and i hope you'll find it amusing - for the rest of you, i humbly apologize in advance...

this has been a beautiful week to live in atlanta! may we keep this weather all autumn/winter long - all we need is to make it overcast to set us up for a perfect halloween...

halloween! i need to buy my pumpkin before its too late! i'm hoping to finally get trick-or-treaters this year, something that has never happened since i left the house i grew up in - last year we didn't even bother staying home since i knew it'd lead to my inevitable disappointment, but obviously we've got some constraints this time around...no, we're not dressing A up (i have a difficult-enough time getting her into her regular clothes at this point) although i did buy something for her that i couldn't resist & will probably take a picture of this weekend...but regardless of whether or not people show up, at least we'll have a carved pumpkin (and more importantly, roasted pumpkin seeds) for the occasion, along with my mandatory viewing of the greatest television special of all time, it's the great pumpkin charlie brown - i honestly don't care too terribly much for pumpkin apart from its seeds (which i previously attributed to its relation to the hated squash family, but now thanks to xantha i realize its probably because pumpkin's estrogen levels conflict with my raging, throbbing alpha-male hormones), but i wonder if i'd like pumpkin ale...

A's new favorite album is the latest by broadcast - i ordered it back when we hit upon the discovery that pretty female voices captivated her, and now that she seems to appreciate a bit more rhythm this album has been a perfect match! i loved the noise made by people when it came out 5 years ago, but i made the mistake of not picking up the ha-ha sound due to my voracious psych-out focus several years ago (knowing that i could've probably played it on the show, but i thought it was more indie and therefore represented well enough on the radio) - so tender buttons is the first thing i've heard from them in ages and i love it! i see they've stripped down to a duo, and its almost completely electronic but in the way that i love (i.e. the drum machines sound like they're 30-year-old drum machines) - they seem to have dropped those occasionally meandering spooky instrumental interludes but in the process the synthetics have freed them up a bit from the united states of america references they constantly got (as if that was a bad thing)...i knew i'd like the album, but i honestly didn't expect to like it this much...like i said, A seems to like those steady driving rhythms, which matches up with what's said in a parenting book that hedorah was kind enough to send my way - they actually recommend reggae as ideal baby listening material for that exact purpose, which i thought quite interesting...which reminds me, this child of mine has been on planet earth for over a month now and i haven't yet hauled out can's future days album that worked so well for last year's wave of lj-dads? i've gotta rectify that when i get home!

next mail-order purchases? definitely the new vashti bunyan record (A's previous #1 album from my collection was just another diamond day) and i'm wavering on the animal collective album - i realize i'm completely out of touch with "the kids" out there when i say that i was never solidly struck by anything i've heard from them prior to the prospect hummer EP - most people say they've sold out now but even during those heady days of my radio show i put on here comes the indian (not that i own it, but it was in heavy rotation at WREK) and was quite unimpressed at the time...then again i listened to vision creation newsun at the time and didn't think much of it either ("what a fool i was!", to quote sally brown from the greatest television special of all time)...

does/did anyone else read the ongoing comic by charles burns called black hole? i was flipping through a complimentary issue of entertainment weekly (thank you, universal AC adapter) and saw that there's now a book out reprinting the whole story, which makes me realize that the final issue #12 probably came out a while back - that's what i get for those sporadic comic shop trips...although i currently am reading ice haven, dan clowes' big-leagues debut - looks to be a rewrite of eightball #22, but its been so long since i read that i can't even recall what happens...

we took A to the pediatrician on monday and she's apparently doing really well - she's now at 8 pounds 8 ounces, having gained about 2 pounds since birth which the doc says is great, and he was noticeably impressed with her attentiveness & hearing levels when he was snapping his fingers - she's still doing little except sleeping, eating, and crying, and i wonder exactly when that will change - she's now big enough to fit into the papoose-type thing that we have for her, so i'm looking forward to walking her around in our apartment parking lot (if nothing else) this weekend - its a bit of a drag that we don't have very many places to choose from down here in fayetteville but there's little we can do about it i suppose...

S is still a little groggy from everything but it appears that things are coming together a bit better this week - but here's a question for the breastfeeders (or the guys that love them) - our feeding habits have been as follows: in the "daytime" (6am to approximately 11pm) A goes between 2-3 hours for feedings normally, depending on how demanding she may be (it could possibly be less than 2 hours on occasion), and during nighttime we try not to pay attention to time and just respond when she announces that she's woken up - our pediatrician also recommends this because it helps her distinguish between night and day (along with a couple of other subtle things we do, such as the amount of talking we do, the lighting levels, etc) - but its not necessarily that easy for S because she simply can't go that long without feeling pain due to the milk machine getting backed up - she's pumping now and it appears to be doing okay but its just ironic because she thought her sleep pattern would primarily be disrupted because of the baby but its turning out to be due to her body - as with last week, i guess there's not much that anyone can say about this since its a purely physical thing, but i guess i'm just curious to know if that impacted anyone else too...

enjoy the pre-halloween weekend, kids!
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