A Night in Fantasia 2006 & Spirited Away with Youmi
July brings two massive concerts to both Melbourne and Sydney - A Night in Fantasia 2006 and Spirited Away with Youmi.
Eminence begins its suite of concerts in Melbourne with Spirited Away with Youmi. Held in Melbourne Town Hall on Sunday the 2nd of July at 12pm, the Japanese singer and lyre performer will perform selected pieces from Studio Ghibli films including Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke and My Neighbour Totoro. Come and celebrate the Tanabata festival with Youmi and win prizes! We also encourage high-school and older primary school students of Japanese to take part in this rare cultural event. Discounts are available for primary and secondary school excursions. More information on Spirited Away with Youmi
Following this concert, A Night in Fantasia 2006 will begin in Melbourne Town Hall on the same day at 3pm, followed by the 7:30pm performance. Eager Melbourne fans can rejoice that Eminence’s signature concert will be performed outside of Sydney for the first time. Featuring music from Studio Ghibli films and the Final Fantasy series, the night will also feature footage from Ghibli, a world first. The concert will also premiere music from Final Fantasy XII, which will see a western release late this year. More information on A Night in Fantasia 2006
Sydney fans will be able to see Spirited Away with Youmi on Thursday the 6th of July at 7:30pm at Sydney Town Hall. A Night in Fantasia 2006 will be held on Friday the 7th of July at 3pm and 7:30pm, in the same venue.
Tickets are now available from Books Kinokuniya and Easytix, with Spirited Away with Youmi tickets starting from $30, and A Night in Fantasia 2006 with record low prices, beginning at $35. With prices that low, you’d better hurry!