My missing entries now will be about what I had done in the RO server I play in.
Anyway I seriously love ScytheRO because it gave me a whole new experience. ^_^
Chapter ED | The fun part all began after being badmouthed by some bitches and bastards (excuse me for my language) in the game. I felt bad because I'd done a lot to help them, only to experience name-calling in return. So my character Prism and Sara's baby character Chibi Sara went to Payon and there Prism "cried his problems out". A day after maybe, he said the same story this time with Haydee, BeaF's character, in Gonryun with Chibi Sara. Boy, did they give me support x'D Anyway sometime after that, daaaays after, Chibi Sara and Prism were sitting near the NPCs in sandwich since the map seemed to be filled with people. I don't really recall what we were talking about, but putting the little details aside, another player (Ninja job) approach us and gave us a random question if we could help him think up of a story or something. We said that well, we could, but we're not really good in "publishing our thoughts", but we'd be happy to help, even a bit. So he continued bringing up random thoughts while Chibi Sara and I listened to him. I don't remember the events that happened right after, but for sure we became good friends.
Days after or sometime somewhere, he showed us all his characters and said that we'll know if it's him if the character's got the word "Electronic" in them.
Hmm, hmm, oh! I remember the time we three had bonding.
So it was right after I maxed my Soul Linker when we all went to Odin Temple to pWn some Valkyries and get shields or some other loot. We were all SLs btw, Sara, ED, and I. So while in party chat mode, we started to talk about a lot of interesting things, and so even if hunting was tiring, we still had fun. In the middle of the conversation, I admitted to ED that I'm a girl IRL, and he said he's rather relieved because he thought I was, well, gay. x'D LOL FOR USING MALE CHARACTERS, GUIA. o_O ... x'DDD That was a little secret of mine though. Then after some other small talk, ED told us a little secret to -- he does the scripts for ScytheRO -- scripts to run the game. Sara and I were like "WHOA, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" x'D Anyway our conversation consisted of crack too, but sadly I don't recall! >.< !!!
Moving forward... (man, it's hard to try to recall memories x_x;)
On the day of the birth of followED, we three were on top of the scream tower or whatever you call it in a map I forgot -- Lighthalzen, I think. There you can shout anything and people within the map can see your message. There we conversed in a lot of things. When Sara went BRB for dinner, ED and I were left alone, and out of curiosity I asked ED what his goals in life are (I usually ask this to people who interest me x'D). He told me he's good in scripts and all and wished to build himself his own restaurant someday and serve Italian food... get a good business and blah, I don't remember the rest, unfortunately! D: But it's there I learned how much of a genius he is. o_O; He told me when he was around 12, he used to play with these advanced graphic calculators and turn them into mini game gadgets -- the games were pixelated yet addicting, like Space Invaders. x'D He also did something but I don't remember... anyway sometime after we chatted over in MSN about ourselves, and he told me the background of his family. At first he told me that once he tells me this, he hopes that I don't think differently about him, and so I agreed, since I wanted to know more about him anyway. So he told me everything, and even his shady past. I was surprised at reading all this in MSN, but they didn't make me hate him. Instead, it made me like him even more. It's amazing how he chose to choose the right path and do the right things despite his shady background. ^_^ And I'm also happy that he trusts me enough to tell me the background of his life. All my replies in his MSN were all positive after, lol. I'm so optimistic o_O;
So far these're some of the most memorable moments with Edo-sama, but for now since I cannot recall the rest at the moment, I'll proceed to memories with Box and Kevin. x'D
Chapter Kevin and Box | The first time I saw these two, I thought they were best friends in real life, and I thought one of them was a female because I think one of them had female characters..? o_O; anyway these two are so amusing. Kevin does fast humpings and funny stuff while Box also does funny stuff -- he's known to be called "Cinderella" because he 'transforms' into a girl (lol, he only wears small ribbons xD). So after the humping event in sandwich, I, Sara, Box, Geo, and maybe some extras (or was it only us 4?) went around different maps and went exploring. We did mini quests like find the missing wedding ring of some NPC and also hunting down some guy. They also made fun of some NPCs with funny names. x'D (reminder again: THESE ARE NOT BY ORDER. I'm just putting the memories down.) Anyway there was also a time we all went to Niflheim, the halloween town -- yeah, it's a spooky town, yes. we went there first by warping to a random room of a house there. We went around the inn and LAUGHED at an NPC called "Dead Cock". TERMINOLOGY, LOL. It was a dead chicken and he was saying stuff like he'll revenge on humans or something by eating them. o_O;
Then another time we went exploring was when we went to Einbroch. It's a rather dusty and LAGGY town... we went to random rooms and warped to random places and talked to random NPCs. We kept complaining about the lag. x'D Another very fun time we went exploring was in a place that looked like the Rachael Sanctuary. The place was beautiful, with bridges and ponds and all. Then we saw this emo-looking priest standing out of a building. We couldn't go in. x'D We had to "pray to the goddess" to be able to enter, and not by kicking the doors, lol. So we went around the place. It looked like a convent, to be honest. We went to rooms and played with them by sitting on chairs and dramatizing. x'D The fun part too was when I kept healing Box (I was using my Super Baby then) out of random, and he was like "MY SKIN IT BURNZZZZ" or something. We abused the @die command a lot, btw. x'D ! Lol. And everytime we see giant statues of the goddess, those two hump on it. LOLOLOLOLOL. Funny, we also got lost. x'D
ANOTHER REALLY FUN MOMENT! We went to the Assassin's guild in Morocc (err, some building where you can change into a Rogue or something)... there we took the test to be a rogue, and so we warped to the map, and we were like, running away from HUGE MOBS of zombies, Abyssmal Knights, and other undead monsters. x'D Good thing we had Yggdrasil leaves so we can revive each other when one dies from the mob. After successfully passing through the maze, we were warped to the place of the head boss or something NPC and we are to talk to him before being turned into a Rogue (or assassin? I don't remember.) But then there were INVISIBLE WALLS! So we had to go through them and all. Sad for me, there was a trick I failed to notice, and that's why I was stuck for ages. I'm made of fail, lol.
Hmm, ok, that's all I remember so far about those two. Now with Kevin and Gabe/Kai!
Chapter Gabe and Kevin | There's this character in sandwich who's always AFK (away from keyboard) in the same spot... He's a stalker whose name's Kaistalk. He's a good guy who's nice to women and gives free candies to children. Anyway there was a time he suddenly disappeared. I heard from other people that he quit RO, and most of us were saddened by his sudden disappearance. Anyway right after that, an emo-looking stalker appeared. His name was Bloodhound, and he seemed, well, moody, but he's friendly. We had a little chat and became friends. Then after that another stalker appeared with the same look, except his name was Gabriel. I learned after a while that both stalkers is just one person. AAAANYWAY. There was something in this stalker that was so familiar it makes me curious. I asked him if he knew anyone named Kaistalk, and he joked about being him. Turns out he wasn't. Lol, but still. >:(
I was using my Gypsy then in the game and I was talking to people about an episode of Ragnarok Online that interested me. It was Episode 12, Satan Morocc. The info about the episode's so interesting it made me fangirl about it to the other players. The other players meanwhile decided to read about it too, and they also became excited. However, unfortunately, ScytheRO's rather late in updating, and so it doesn't have episode 12 yet. It doesn't even have Thor and Veins! Or were they disabled? o_O;
Haydee asked if we could go to Morocc and look around even though Scythe doesn't have the episode yet. I agreed and asked Gabriel if he's like to come as well, and so we warped to Morocc and jeaded towards the center. However, we couldn't walk any further. Good thing Gabriel had the Backsliding skill, and so he could get in the map and tell us coordinates so we can warp to the center. It was fun, warping and warping, being so desperate to go to the center. As soon as we were close enough to the center of Morocc, we saw a WARP. Meaning, there's something in there!!! a map, a new location! I called in HyperLink, a player who was with us during our SM chat and he came along. We all tried to work hand-in-hand to get in the warp. Gabriel managed to get himself in the middle and go in! Haydee and I screamed and asked what he saw, and Gabriel replied that it's the old Morocc Castle (the castle before it was blown into pieces), but we still waned to see anyway, and so we warped in there after Gabe gave the coordinates. We walked around the castle and found nothing, but owell. x'D At least this solves our curiosity! We had fun anyway! Such an adventure!~
Couple of days after, Gabriel admitted he was Kaistalk and even used the character. o_O; When he appeared in sandwich, a lot of people greeted him. "Sir Kai!" "Master Kai!" "King of AFK!" LOLOLOL.
Moving forward... we went into this map with backscratchers (it's some small block with moving tooth-like things that makes it look like backscratchers if you sit infront of them). Kevin tagged along~ we went off the block and into a black map until we saw this winding staircase of some sort that seemed to be going forever. We kept going up and up until we saw the Block down there. Then we continued to go up and up until the end. Drats, dead end. OWELL. x'D
Now, memories with Kevin and etc x'D
Chapter BFF | Best Friends forever, Geo! x'D Boy, I never had so much fun warping around ScytheRO and finding really retarded maps. x'D
Kevin told me to warp to g_room1-1 and look around. BLACK MAP. After walking around, we saw different rooms -- they looked like the quiz rooms used in sRO events! Funny thing is that they screw up. We can walk ontop of a pole, pass through walls, and stuff x'DDD Some black maps were unusually LUMPY, and so when we walk, our chars go UP and DOWN as if there's an invisible hump. Sounds like a simple problem, but imagine walking in a black map and going up and down an invisible hump all of a sudden. x'D It made us crack up! Another was when I made a champion and he had one too... we both made our dyes 261 (abnormal fire-looking colored dye) and humped on random people in sandwich. We appear out of the blue from the bushes, hump, and retreat, then appear again. x'D There was a guy there who was all like "WTF?!" at us. x'D Another, quite recent one was when we made noob-ified novices. His name was something about Magikarp the Pokemon and his hair is the retared, badly sprite-d hairstyle. Whenever he attacks a monster or someone, his hair doesn't go in sync with the body, and when he dies, he's beheaded. xDDDDDDDDDDDD
OK, I don't remember the rest, but lemme type this recent one before I forget. D: D: D:
KEVIN YOU RETARDED, FUNNY, FUN-LOVING GUY. x'DDD I made myself an alchemist one time and he accompanied me while training / hunting for Savages in a Geffen Field. He taught me homunculus moves and how to use them well and stuff.
Out of the blue he used his dead branches (used to summon random monsters) all at the same time and out came a mob of 20+ mixed-up monsters and mini-bosses and they pWned us both x'D IT WAS CRACK TO SEE MONSTERS APPEAR OUT OF NOWHERE. So we decided to get on with one of our strongest characters to pWn the mob. I got my ninja and he used his baby Assassin named Geometry. x'D So we pWned the mob!~ Then we had a little friendly duel, as usual. Lol.
~daaaays after: recent~
Kevin wanted to make a ninja. It was a good opportunity for me to level-up my female ninja, and so we both used them. I showed him how cool ninjas are in terms of fighting style and how they level-up so fast and easy. I told him to gather mobs in ice dungeon and use Raigekisai on them and POOM! 5 or 6 or 10 levels up! What was even more fun was training in Louyang dungeons where mobs of Dragon Children were in. They have massive damage, so both of us had to be on alert for mobs. I dunno why, but seeing Kevin being chased by HUGE MOBS of Dragon Children (and sometimes dying too by accident xD) makes me crack up. x'D Good thing we were in a party and we share exp points, so while he gets the mob, I kill them.
A funny part in training was when I was around level 800+... I was sitting peacefully in a corner while fixing my status points (I had around 12k points to put in my status) while Kevin continued training his characters. Just as my number of status points had only around 2000 or less to go, suddenly I level up tons of levels high and had 12k+ points to use again. D: D: D: I told Kevin to stop for a while with gathering mobs and killing them coz I was fixing my stats, but... x'D !!! there was a long pause one time and so I thought he stopped, and so I peacefully fixed my stats until 200 points were left, then all of a sudden I leveled up how many levels 3 or 5 times and my status points became 17k+ or more. D: I keep spamming our party chat with screams and all Kevin did to reply was "xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" or "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL". Nice to see he's having fun. x'D
*sigh!* Kevin is so fun to be with in RO x'D BFF!~ We have more funny moments, but then at the moment I'm tired typing, so... x___x; I'll resume again next time. I think I'll talk about moments in destinedRO next. x'D
...ok that's all for now. My hands hurt from typing, lol. x'D *spent 2 hours making all these entries* x'D
Ciao for now!~