Mar 23, 2008 14:41
here is my "i am blessed" segment
i am blessed because live the way i do
i am blessed because have been given opportunities that once seemed impossible
i am blessed because i have been given second chances. and third ones, and fourth ones...
i am blessed because i am surrounded by great people. great not because of the height of their achievements but by the span of their hearts.
i am blessed because i have a wonderful education
i am blessed because i have a community that watches over me
i am blessed because my heart has the strength to bear burdens
i am blessed to be able to think and feel and understand things outside of myself and larger than myself.
i am blessed to have the opportunity to serve God.
i am very very blessed.
by the way, i'm going to be yfc moderator in AC next year. (whuttt??) but really. i am glad for it but i pray that i will have what it takes.
so technically, i can no longer serve in the maga chap (you'll still see me around), meaning i can't be household head.
God bless, guys