Wow, it's been a while. Which, of course, I say every time I post, and it doesn't encourage me to post more often. *rolls eyes at self*
Nothing too much is new; work is as beastly and deplorable as ever, so I'm viewing and applying for other positions every week.
Hubby and Boychild are both in good health and happy. Boychild is trying wrestling this winter at school - we don't have the slightest idea why, but hey, it's exercise. He'll do tennis again in the spring.
My parents and sister were approved to move into our apartment complex, and they actually got to have the one right across the hall from us. This is a really awesome thing, and so we've been busy helping them move in bit by bit each weekend lately. We both leave our doors unlocked during the day, which enables us to just go back and forth between the two apartments. They don't have a microwave yet, so they come over to use ours; if someone's in one bathroom, we can go across the hall to use the other one. It's just really nice, too, having them right there.
We've also been going to the Y when we can. Not often lately, but things have calmed a little, so we're going to try a few visits this week. We all love the pool, though we're going to try more with the weights, too.
Finally got a new library card (my wallet was stolen a couple years ago and I just never replaced the card), so we've been in and out of the library again. Have a few books on hold, but can't pick them up till tomorrow. Hubby's getting both The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From the Living Dead and World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War (Max Brooks), and I'm getting Dreams From My Father (Barack Obama), What's So Amazing About Grace (Philip Yancey) and His Majesty's Dragon (Naomi Novik). I hear so many good things about the Temeraire series, I decided it was high time I looked it up and tried it. Thoughts?
I should really update my reading list here, but will wait on that one - formatting takes too long and I am too lazy at the moment.
In the meantime, I've been reading lots of Narnia fic, specifically
rthstewart's work on both
AO3 and - it is fantastic stuff and so worth the time it's taken to get through it all. The world-building is phenomenal and the writing exceptional.
I don't think I've anything else to report. How is everyone?