I am so behind the times, friends. 2012 has been here for 25 days now, and it has been a rough start for our house.
Promptly after the new year, hubby got sicker than a dog. He was in bed for about four days, which was stressful for everyone all around.
Boychild's been hacking away for the last week, though feels otherwise fine.
And me...oh, man. Last Thursday I was feeling queasy and icky all day, so I stayed home Friday. Friday night, I was bending over to get the butter out of the fridge and something pinched. A nerve, or a muscle, or whatever the fuck. On the right, my very lower back, almost upper butt. I have had a very hard time even walking, much less doing all the other things I need to do. It travels down into the hip and cheek and leg and knee, and makes everything seem impossible. I spent a good portion of the weekend and last few days whimpering and crying. Not cool. It hasn't gone away yet, but I can actually move a bit today, so I'm at work.
I also have this juicy, hacky cough with no other discernible "cold" symptoms, and of course each cough hurts the pinched nerve/muscle/whatever.
EDIT TO ADD: And also, just sitting here and breathing sounds like a rumbling, contented cat. Except I'm not content. *huffs out a breath* /edit
And to top all that off, I just got my period yesterday afternoon.
Life = 3, Body = 0.
Needless to say, I have not been available to do much of anything lately. I've been trying to keep up on reading entries, but in the interest of saving time because my God, I do not have the spoons, feel free to comment and let me know what all I've missed!
And also, HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! ♥♥♥