We're bad parents.
But with this particular Boychild, we can't help it.
He was assigned to a group, and each group had to pick a topic and do a presentation on it. Boychild's group was himself...and three girls. Needless to say, any opinion he might have had was shown the door before it could be given, and so the rest of his group chose the topic.
Apparently there was a list, and the girls decided to nab "Animal Abuse" from it.
I don't think I need to say that of course hubby and I don't condone abuse of animals, but I feel I should because we laughed so, so hard at this particular assignment he brought home.
I am going to include it here, verbatim, to give your midweek a lift:
No, really. Verbatim. I checked it twice:
Two Animal Abuse Questions & Answers
What is dogfighting and cockfighting?
Cockfighting is where two roosters fight each other to the death, while people place bets. Cock fighters let the birds suffer untreated injuries or throw the birds away like trash afterwards. Besides, being cruel, cockfighting often goes hand in hand with gambling, drug dealing, illegal gun sales, and murder. Cockfighting is very, very bad and it really needs to stop, now. I mean if it were possible, but I know it's not, but if it were, the chickens that died because of cockfighting, could come rising from the dead and come and haunt the people who made them fight and let them suffer from the fight it had and made them die.
What animal is used their fur?
Seals are used for their fur because they say that mother seals can barely find ice to give birth on. The bottom is dropping out of the world market for seal fur. Here are some more animals that are used for their fur for possibly coats: Shaggy yaks; short-haired pointers to striped tigers and spotted hyenas. They are probably more animals that are used for their fur. Like sheep, people use their wool for our yarn and it is extremely mean and cruel to the sheep and it probably makes them feel really, really bad, and if a ram were being sheered, he would probably want to ram the farmer that sheered the ram right in bootie. Now that would probably make the farmer feel bad, but if it didn't then too bad because it should make him feel bad. But if the sheep was overgrowing their wool, then they would probably need a wool cut, you know, just for the heck of it. Not to be used for yarn though just a wool cut and they would still have some wool on them. Just like fur cuts and haircuts. For dogs, cats, and humans.
My Thoughts On This:
* Cockfighting is very, very bad!
* It needs to stop. RIGHT now.
* Dogfighting is apparently not as big a deal.
* Mother seals can't find ice to birth their young, and that's why we use them for their fur. We need to get these mother seals some ICE, people!!
* I have always wanted the fur of a shaggy yak. Possibly for a coat.
* Using sheep wool makes baby lambs CRY.
* Rams do not want to be invisible.
* Farmers wear booties, not shoes.
* If they try to make their rams invisible, the rams will ram them in the feet.
* But that farmer gets NO PITY from my son if that happens.
* SHEEP SALONS. Just for the heck of it.
In other news, my garden has been planted and growing for a couple weeks now. We finally are getting warmer weather (i.e. no more snow), and already I'm a little afraid of my tomato plant and my green beans. They are growing in leaps and bounds. The petunias are keeping to themselves, for the most part, which is a relief.
I'll post pictures when I get them off my phone. ;)