Mar 14, 2019 13:33
Hi, all.
We're a week out from surgery today. It went mostly smoothly, from the secondhand info I've gathered. I was a bit too out of it to be receptive to info. From what I've been told, everything came out the way they hoped, but they had to work hard to get the uterus out the wahoo, as it was bigger than they expected. The doc ended up taking only one lymph node, as well.
The recovery room was rough. I don't remember a lot of it, but there was a lot of crying on my part. At one point they got permission from my husband to do a nerve block due to the amount of pain I was in, but then aborted it. 1) I was in even more pain and violently crying because I could feel the needles, and 2) they determined it wouldn't have helped anyway.
Once I was awake enough to do the deep breathing and eat some crackers, they sent me down to what amounted to a second recovery room, where I was helped up and got dressed. I ended up staying in obs overnight because it took me a while to pee on my own, and they let me go home around eleven Friday morning.
Recovery at home has been okay. No one mentioned the possibility of gas retention, but JESUS CHRIST ON STILTS, it has been INSANE. Apparently, a common issue is nausea and dizziness, but I've had zero of either. For me, it's been an inability to pass this gas. I haven't broken into the oxycodone they sent me home with at all, so on Monday, the nurse said to stop the stool softener and take some Gas-X. Finally yesterday it started to pass. I'm still blocked up a bit, but it's so much better than it was.
I have a follow-up appointment next Friday (not tomorrow), and we'll find out results from the pathology report on the bits and pieces they removed.
Otherwise, I'm hanging in there. Husband and Not-So-Boychild have been great, I am lucky.
i can has drugs please,
40 done me wrong,
2019: the body strikes back,
an apple a day apparently does fuck all,
salty af about a life of damn doctors,