Anyone know how to name a link? Anyone want to tell me?

Jan 15, 2012 15:23

Yeah, lately I've been thinking about one thing, especially since the New Year:

How come everyone automatically assumes their going to be alive at some future date?

Like, how come people will say stuff like 'I'll do it next month' or 'I'll see you tomorrow' and stuff like that? People automatically believe they will be alive, which I consider foolish almost. I mean, who's to say you're not gonna get hit by a car crossing the road or you die of carbon monoxide posioning in your house?

The possibilities are endless. Death is only a breath away, people. Don't assume you're going to be alive to see tomorrow. You can hope, but don't assume. To assume would be an idiots' mistake.

......Weird little thoughts, I know, but it's true.

Onto why I really got on here... I'm currently taking a break on writing in the Life 'verse, or anything in general. As so kindly diagnosed by my lovely friend Dr. Silverfire, I have writer's block. My urge to writewritewrite isn't there. I could probably get the document open with my iPod playing and start writing right now, but it wouldn't be as good as it could.

Besides, I've been going through some weird crap with my body lately, being over all miserable health wise, and my grades sure ain't doing to well, either. So I'm just chilling for a period of time. Not forever, trust me, but...for an indefinite amount of time.

But who knows? Inspiration could strike me three minutes from now. (See? That's what I mean; you never know.)

...Plus, I'm trying to figure out how you name your links here on LJ...T-T Rookie question, I know, but I don't spend my entire time on here.

So any kinda person know how to name links, TELL ME PLEASE. I feel like an idiot not knowing.

life verse updates, life 'verse, mini-rants, questions

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