Oct 22, 2011 01:02
Annnnnnd here it is! The third question from my dear friend and pen pal, Silverfire! Thanks so much, Silver! I'm enjoying these questions, even if some are 'morbid', as you said. ;)
Question #3: How do you think you will die?
How do I think I will die... Hmmm... Well, there's no real way of knowing, but, yes, I have often thought of how I will die, just because I have way too much thinking time and I'm a really strange person that imagines their own death.
Whenever I'm walking on the side of the road, I envision some van driving up and some person dressed in black kidnapping me, or being mugged, or being hit by a car that veered off the road. Sometimes it ends with me whooping some ass in a way I never could, and other times I end up on the ground, bleeding and dying alone.
Other times, like when pulling out of a drive way of a drugstore or Wal-Mart onto a busy street, I picture a car hitting my side head on and my body- ...Well, I won't go into details, because my brain always so helpfully supplies the itty bitty gory parts. But, basically, it's a car crash I'm not walking away from, but being rolled away on a stretcher with a sheet over me.
Sometimes, when I see security guards with metal detectors, I see some random man whip out a gun and start shooting everyone down.
When I'm on a fair ride, like the ferris wheel or the giant swings, I see some bolts in the machine loosening and me tumbling down and down... In fact, I was at the fair tonight...
One time, I had a dream that I had commited suicide, and I was in a morgue. Don't know how I commited suidcide, but I was dead. I know that, at least.
I have really bad migraines, so I take a lot of meds to suppress them. A few times I've seen myself overdosing on those migraine meds and sleeping pills, too, because I'm insomniac.
Any of these could be my death. I'm just hoping I die in my sleep at an old age. That would be my most favorable death. (Wow... I'm choosing my favorite death... God, I'm weird.)
Either way, I'm not afraid of death. Let's face it: it's going to happen someday. Might as well accept that now and live life to it's fullest.
Ya can't run from the past, and ya can't hide from the future.
Night to ya all, and I hope you're having a good time, Silverfire.